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김영기 이탈리아 대사의 선전활동 보고

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
  • 날짜
    1959년 7월 25일
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
  • 형태사항
Report No.49
July 25, 1959
Dear Mr. Minister:
Under cable instructions of recent date, we have sent to the Italian Foreign Ministry and Red Cross a verbal note accompanied with a statement explaining the status of the Korean residents in Japan and the Japanese attempt to deport them to the communist held north Korea. The sixteen points are embodied in
the statement.
On the matter of public opinion on the Korean deportation issue, in Italy, I would like to report in detail about the Italian public press in general. There are fourteen Italian dailies in Rome which are directly or indirectly affiliated with eight political parties and one political group. The Christian Demoorata now in power yeild tremendous influence on the public opinion in Italy. Other influential papers are published in Milan, financial and industrial center of Italy,
The press reporters or feature writers are underpaid by the paper, and they are prone to accepting money and gift bribes whenever a feature story has to be published in the paper. These practices are not uncommon, I was confidentially told. If we want to publish an article, we are obliged to slip in 150,000 to 100,000 (₮ 62,000 - $100.) in an envelop containing the article and give to the reporter ask ing his favor. The reporter splits the money with the director and composer of the press room. Even then it is not sure.
All the political party bosses hand out money and gift to those who lend support by publioity. One director of an (independent ?) newspaper was order red dismissed by the present Government because he was alleged to have received quarter of million lire per month from a key figure in the Italian politics.
The Japanese embassy neither publishes nor issues any bulletin or, statement. 0ther diplomatic missions occasionally send out pamphlets on cultural marters. The Embassy of Pakistan publishes a monthly bulletin in Italian and the July issue deals with the archaelogioal discovery of recent date in Pakistan. The majority of diplomatic missions has cultural or press attaché who knows the local condition long enough to contact with the Italian public.
After further study of local condition in regard to improving our publicity work of our embassy in Rome, I shall make several recommendations for your consideration.
Following your cable instructions of July 23, Wun Suk Jo will be transferred as of August 10 to the Office of ROK Permanent Observer to European Office of United Nations in Geneva as Counsellor.
Third secretary Koo Sub Tang will be sent to Messina next week to make preparation for Korea's participation in the Messina Fair as we promised. I am glad that he has been promoted to the position of Counsellor assigned to Geneva where his service is most needed as he is amply qualified to assist Minister Yong Shik Kim. A French speaking secretary is as much needed 14 Geneva as in Rome.
Foreign tourists visiting Italy in 1958 spent $405 millions while in the previous year the visitors spent $316 millions. The Government figure also reveals that Italy has now 2,700.000 registered motocycles and motorsoooters, 1,104; 000 automobiles, 350,000 trucks and 20,000 buses.
The Japanese Prime Minister Nobusuke Kishi was in Rome on an official visit from August 19 to 21. He was acoompanied by two members of Chieber of Deputies, one Counsellor and Foreign Ministry experts. No statement was issued after the conclusion of talk with the Italian Prime Minister Antonio Segni. The Italian official reception was not elaborate as it used to be accorded to the chief of the government from another country.
Faithfully yours,
Copy to the President's Office.
His Excellency
Dr. Chung W. Cho
Minister of Foreign Affairs

Wun Suk Jo, Koo Sub Tang, Yong Shik Kim, Nobusuke Kishi, Antonio Segni, YOUNG KEE KIM, Chung W. Cho
north Korea, Italy, Rome, Italy, Milan, Italy, Pakistan, Rome, Geneva, Messina, Geneva, Geneva, Rome, Italy, Italy, Seoul
the Italian Foreign Ministry, The Japanese embassy
The Christian Demoorata, United Nations
the status of the Korean residents in Japan, the Korean deportation issue, the Messina Fair

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김영기 이탈리아 대사의 선전활동 보고 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0060_0170