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Nuclear Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Implications from EURATOM

  • 구분
  • 저필자
    Sangsoo LEE & Bernadetta GINTING(Institute for Security and Development Policy)
  • 발행일
    2016년 12월

Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Nuclear Security and Distrust in Northeast Asia
 1. Nuclear Crisis in Korea
 2. Nuclear Proliferation in Northeast Asia
 3. Nuclear Safety in Northeast Asia
Ⅲ. EURATOM: Lessons from the European Experience
 1. Historical Overview
 2. The EURATOM Treaty and Framework
 3. What did not work?
Ⅳ. Lessons for Northeast Asia
 1. Trust-building Measures for State Actors
 2. Regional Nuclear Safety Cooperation
 3. Regional Safeguard System
 4. Key Challenges

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Nuclear Security Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Implications from EURATOM 자료번호 : jn.d_0024_0040