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  • 디렉토리 검색
  • 작성·발신·수신일

Fur Trade between Joseon Dynasty and Jurchens in the Sixteenth Century

  • 구분
  • 저필자
    Soon-nam KIM(Korea University)
  • 발행일
    2019년 6월

Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. The Circumstances Surrounding Fur Trade
 1. Farming Expands Among the Jurchens
 2. Luxury Goods in Joseon Society
 3. Sable and Weasel Fur as Tributary Items
Ⅲ. The Pattern of Fur Trade
 1. The Fur Quotas of Pyeongan and Hamgil Province
 2. The Role of Magistrates in Fur Trade
Ⅳ. The Outcome of Fur Trade
 1. The Drain of Oxen, Horses, and Ironware
 2. Runaways from Yeongan Province
 3. Change in Relations with the Jurchens
Ⅴ. Conclusion

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Fur Trade between Joseon Dynasty and Jurchens in the Sixteenth Century 자료번호 : jn.d_0028_0010