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재일한인의 집단 북송에 관한 건

  • 발신자
    박동진 고문관
  • 수신자
  • 날짜
    1959년 10월 28일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
28th October, 1959.
To : The Honourable Y. T. KIM
From : Counsellor Tong Jin Park.
Subject : Mass Deportation of Korean Residents in Japan to Northern Korea.
I have just come back from the Foreign Office after a meeting with Mr. Dalton; the Head of the Far Eastern Department during which I discussed the problem of Korean residents in Japan due to be deported to the Communist North.
According to the information we obtained from the Foreign Ministry in Seoul, namely, the information contained in Cable 1017, I further enlightened Ir. Dalton on the latest development in Japan on the deportation procedure. I, of course, emphasised that we are making every possible effort to reach an early agreement with Japan to settle this problem once and for all, but Japan has not yet shown concrete willingness to accept the Korean proposal put forward at the Bilateral Talk. He appreciated the information I furnished to him, but he did not make any comment on the two conditions advanced by the Korean side for the possible mass reparation of Korean residents in Japan to the Republic of Korea. He, however, added that his Government has been following the development carefully and also that in his opinion the North Korean and Chinese Communists have recently been more bitter in criticising Japan than the Republic of Korea.
Mr. Dalton said that according to various statements issued by the two Communist regimes, Japan is being charged that she does not observe the Calcutta Agreement in full. At this juncture, I told Mr. Dalton that it was not reasonable to assume that Japan was reluctant to carry out the Calcutta Agreement since the real objective of the so called group repatriation was to get rid of as many Korean residents as possible from Japan. Mr. Dalton agreed to this observation of mine. Another comment made by Mr. Dalton - perhaps a positive comment made by him for the first time regarding the deportation problem - was that in his own observation Japan has recently slowed down their deportation movement of the Korean residents in Japan. He, of course, did not disclose what was the basis of this observation but remarked that Japan appeared not so much in a hurry as she had been for sometime in carrying out the deportation programme.
I suggest that we submit a cable report to the Foreign Minister regarding my discussion with Mr. Dalton today.

the Communist North, Seoul, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan
the Foreign Ministry
the problem of Korean residents in Japan, mass reparation of Korean residents in Japan to the Republic of Korea, the Calcutta Agreement, the Calcutta Agreement, the deportation problem, the Korean residents in Japan

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재일한인의 집단 북송에 관한 건 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0030_0440