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분과위원회 경과보고의 건

  • 발신자
    임 대사
  • 수신자
  • 날짜
    1958년 11월 27일
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
  • 형태사항
Tokyo, November 27, 1958
Dear Mr. President:
As reported by my cable Nos. MTB-058 of November 22, MTB-062 of November 24 and MTB-064 of November 26, 1958, the 9th session of the Sub-committee on Other Claims regarding Art Objects, the 13th session of the Comittee on Legal Status of Korean Residents in Japan and the 21st session of the Subcommittee on Vessels were held at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Japanese Government, on November 22, November 24, and November 25, 1958, respectively.
I. Sub-committee on Other Claims Regarding Korean Art Objects:
The Japanese side, at this session, regretted that it was not in a position to give a reply to our request for return of art objects, pending a decision of the basic policy by the higher authorities. It continued that the Japanese delegation discussed with Foreign Minister Fujiyama on art objects in the past week, but a contemplated meeting of the Cabinet Ministers concerned to decide the policy on the matter regarding art objects and on other problems of the Korea-Japan Talks had to be postponed due to internal political difficulties in connection with the Diet proceeding.
Our delegation reiterated its stand that the matter on art objects should be settled, without connecting it to the settlement of the other problems, as soon as possible, pointing out that an early settlement of the matter would be of a significance to the smooth proceeding of the works of other committees. The Japanese side replied that, as the current internal political difficulties seem to be settled soon, the contemplated meeting of the Cabinet Ministers concerned could be held in the following week, if things should go smoothly.
II. Committee on Legal Status of Korean Residents in Japan:
Regarding our question on the actual treatments presently accorded to Korean residents in Japan in relation to Article 4 and 5 of our proposal, the Japanese side stated that it had not completed the compilation of data regarding the treatments due to the necessity for further contacts and consultations with various Ministries concerned. Our side renewed its request in this regard to give us an early answer. with regard to series of Japanese questions in connection with our draft agreement, which were presented at both 11th and 12th sessions, our side confined its answers only to those questions regarding which our stand was clear in view of the standing policy and instructions of the Government and also from the purpose of the concerned articles of our proposal.
As to those Japanese questions for which Government instructions are being awaited, our side reserved concrete answers thereto for future meetings.
Pointing out that the present Japanese attitude could not but be construed as that of dragging intentionally the works of the committee by putting forth various technical and insignificant questions on our proposal, our side made strong representations that the Japanese side should make efforts for a smooth and effective proceeding of this committee and should enter into article-by-article discussions on our draft agreement as soon as possible. Our side further stressed that now, it was the time for the Japanese side to express its concrete view on our draft agreement, since our draft agreement in a written form had been presented together with sufficient explanation on the spirit and purposes thereon.
Government instruction on my cables MTB-046 on composition of ad hoc working party, and on MTB-055 would be highly appreciated.
III. Sub-committee on Vessels:
Our side requested again at this session that the Japanese side should give us a reply regarding the first list of 31 vessels falling within the scop of Agenda item A presented at the 18th session. The Japanese side firmly maintained that it wanted to proceed with the matter under Agenda Item B, and then Agenda items C and D, subsequently, stating that both sides were of conflicting views on the legal basis of the Korean

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Japanese Government
the Sub-committee on Other Claims regarding Art Objects, the Comittee on Legal Status of Korean Residents in Japan, the Subcommittee on Vessels, Sub-committee on Other Claims Regarding Korean Art Objects, Committee on Legal Status of Korean Residents in Japan, Sub-committee on Vessels
return of art objects, the matter regarding art objects, the Korea-Japan Talks, the matter on art objects, Korean residents in Japan, Agenda item A, Agenda Item B, Agenda items C, D

본 사이트 자료 중 잘못된 정보를 발견하였거나 사용 중 불편한 사항이 있을 경우 알려주세요. 처리 현황은 오류게시판에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 전화번호, 이메일 등 개인정보는 삭제하오니 유념하시기 바랍니다.

분과위원회 경과보고의 건 자료번호 : kj.d_0005_0040_0310