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  • 디렉토리 검색
  • 작성·발신·수신일


  • 날짜
    1953년 12월 12일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
Law No.298
Promulgated December 12, 1954
Article 1. The seas lying between the coasts of the peninsular and insular territories of Korea and line of demarcation made from the continuity of the Lines mentioned hereunder are hereby defined as the jurisdictional water for the conservation of the fishery resources (hereinafter referred to as the jurisdictional water).
a. Line from the highest peak of U-Am-Ryung, Kyung-Hung-Kun, Ham-Kyung-pukdo to the point of 42˚15'N - 130˚45'E.
b. Line from the point of 45˚15'N - 130˚45'E to the point of 38˚00'N - 132˚50'E.
c. Line from the point of 38˚00'N - 132˚50'E to the point of 35˚00'N - 130°00'E.
d. Line from the point of 35˚00'N - 130˚00'E to the point of 34˚40'N - 129˚00'E.
e. Line from the point of 34˚40'N - 129˚10'E to the point of 32˚00'N - 127˚00'E.
f. Line from the point of 32˚00'N - 127˚00'E to the point of 32˚00'N - 124˚00'E.
g. Line from the point of 32˚00'N - 124˚00'E to the point of 39˚45'N - 124˚00'E.
h. Line from the point of 39˚45'N - 124˚00'E to the western point of Ma-An-Do, Sin-Do-Yuldo, Yong-Chun-Kun, Pyung-An-Pukdo.
i. Line from the western point of Ma-An-Do to the point where a straight line drawn north meets with the western end of the Korean-Manchurian borderline.
Article II. Any person who desires to engage in fishing in the jurisdictional water is reguired to obtain a permission from the competent Minister.
Article III. Any person who violated the preceding Article shall be punished by a penal servitude or an Imprisonment not exceeding three years or by a fine not exceeding five hundred thousand Ewan, and any fishing vessel, equipment, catch, and cultured and manufactured product which are owned or possessed by such person shall be confiscated.
Article IV. In the search for the offence provided in the preceding Article, the officers and sailors aboard Naval vessels, and other officials determined by Presidential Decree may carry out the functions of the judicial police officers.
In conducting the search provided in the preceding paragraph, they may, if necessary, bring, home any vessel which violated the provisions of this Law.
If a vessel excites suspicion of violating Article II they may halt, visit, search and make any other necessary disposition of a vessel, even if such a vessel is only a vessel in transit.
Supplementary Regulations
A permission, license or notice in force on February 19, 1952 shall be regarded as if it were obtained in accordance with this Law.
This Law shall become effective on the day of its promalgation.

Korea, U-Am-Ryung, Kyung-Hung-Kun, Ham-Kyung-pukdo, Ma-An-Do, Sin-Do-Yuldo, Yong-Chun-Kun, Pyung-An-Pukdo, Ma-An-Do, the Korean-Manchurian borderline
the conservation of the fishery resources, Presidential Decree

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어업자원보호법 자료번호 : kj.d_0007_0030_0092