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요시다 시게루 수상이 덜레스 대사에게 보내는 서한

  • 발신자
    일본수상 요시다 시게루
  • 수신자
    미국대사 존 포스터 덜레스
  • 날짜
    1951년 2월 7일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
February 7, 1951
My dear Ambassador,
In connection with conversations which we have had about fisheries, I am glad to advise you as follows:
The Japanese people largely depend upon fish for their food supply. They have, therefore, a very special interest in the conservation and development of fisheries. The Japanese Government recognize that the problem of conserving and developing fisheries lecated in the high seas is a difficult one, and that these fisheries may be quickly exhausted unless there is concerted action for the conservation and development of fisheries. We are aware of the fact that certain countries have adopted international agreements and voluntary self-denying ordinances to prevent the exhaustion of high seas fisheries which are readily accessible to fishermen of their own country, and that if these conserved fisheries were to be subjected to uncontrolled fishing from other countries, the result would be international friction and the exhaustion of the fisheries themselves.
Accordingly, the Japanese Government will, as soon as practicable after the restoration to it of full sovereignty, be prepared to enter into negotiations with other countries with a view to establishing equitable arrangements for the development and conservation of fisheries which are accessible to the nationals of Japan and such other countries.
In the meantime, the Japanese Government will, as a voluntary act, implying no waiver of their international rights, prohibit their resident nationals and vessels from carrying on fishing operations in presently conserved fisheries in all waters where arrangements have already been made, either by international or domestic act, to protect the fisheries from over-harvesting, and in which fisheries Japanese nationals or vessels were not in the year 1940 conducting operations. Among such fisheries would be the salmon, halibut, herring, sardine and tuna fisheries in the waters of the Eastern Pacific Ocean and Bering Sea.
The Japenese Government will set up a Commission, composed of representatives of both Government and industry, whose duty it shall be to see that the above-mentioned prohibition is fully observed, and, duly appointed representatives of interested foreign government will be invited to sit on the Commission as observers.
Any party the Commission finds guilty of violation shall be subject to substantial penalty, including revocation of his fisheries license.
I trust that the foregeing voluntary arrangements will constitute convincing evidence of the desire of the Japanese Government to deal with this whole problem in an equitable manner, designed to promote goodwill and the mutual interest of all who, directly or indirectly, depend for their livelihood upon fishing in the high seas.
I remain with the highest consideration,
Most sincerely yours,
Shigeru Yoshida
Prime Minister
His Excellency
Mr. John Foster Dulles,
American Ambassador

Japan, the Eastern Pacific Ocean, Bering Sea
The Japanese Government, the Japanese Government, the Japanese Government, The Japenese Government, the Japanese Government

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요시다 시게루 수상이 덜레스 대사에게 보내는 서한 자료번호 : kj.d_0007_0010_0532