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제네바 대표부의 보고에 대해 1959년 7월 23일 외정(아) 1764. 외무부장관의 공한에 대한 답변

  • 날짜
    1959년 7월
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
Reply to the Foreign Minister's Note No.OIJONG (A) 1764 of July 23, 1959, re Reports from our Delegation in Geneva:
Upon receipt of the documents - copies of reports and a draft proposal submitted to the Government by our delegation in Geneva - enclosed in the Foreign Minister's note under reference, I have studied the documents mentioned above very carefully in consultation with my staff, particularly the effects of the draft proposal recommended by our delegation in Geneva.
First of all, I am fully aware that our delegation in Geneva have been doing their utmost in persuading the ICRC to staty away from the deportation scheme, despite adverse situation.
In view of the fact that, as the issue stands now, the attitude of or any decision by the ICRC on the so-called Japan-Communist agreement on deportation is considered as the crucial importance to the fate of issue and on the basis of the observation of our delegates who have been in close contact with the ICRC that time is running in favor of us (against the Japanese side) so fas as the deportation is concerned, it is deemed appropriate, as suggested by our delegation, for our side to launch a diplomatic offensive with a positive proposal in this regard which would help the position of the ICRC for its dragging on the making of decision regarding the deportation scheme, if the ICRC is thirsty for excuses for the dragging as observed by our delegation.
I am, therefore, in favor of the draft proposal which I think is worked out carefully on the basis of an accurate evaluation of the stand of the ICRC on the issue, and hope that a favorable consideration be given it by the Government.
However, with regard to the possible eventualities which might be caused by the proposal as recommended by our delegation and concerning the situation in Japan in connection with the deportation scheme, I would like to point out the following two points for caution's sake in this regard:
1. It might be possible that the ICRC, in receipt of our proposal, would come out to recommend a compromise plan with which the ICRC would conduct investigations simultaneously on both the facts about Koreans in Japan who are allegedly desirous of going to north Korea and the present living condition in Japan of Korean residents, and further that the Japan Red Cross might accept such recommendation of the ICRC.
2. Though it might be for the purpose of intensifying the propaganda, responsible officials of the Government and Red Cross of Japan are unanimously voicing optimism about the ICRC participation in the deportation scheme. In the meantime, reliable observers view that the Japanese Government would be faced with serious difficulties if the implementation of the deportation scheme should be prolonged or become impossible by the indecision or refusal of the ICRC.
It is in this sense that Japanese Ambassador to Switzerland, one of the most able career diplomats in the Japanese Government, has been assigned additionally to work with the ICRC, and that the Japanese Government is concentrating on obtaining the ICRC 's nod to the deportation scheme.

Geneva, Geneva, Geneva, Japan, Japan, north Korea, Japan, Switzerland
the Government, Japanese Government, the Japanese Government, Japanese Government
the ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, the Japan Red Cross, the ICRC, Red Cross of Japan, the ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC

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제네바 대표부의 보고에 대해 1959년 7월 23일 외정(아) 1764. 외무부장관의 공한에 대한 답변 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0020_0681