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협정서 초안의 주요 요점

  • 날짜
    1958년 9월
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
1. Article 1 (Scope of Koreans under the Agreement) : This Agreement is to regulate the status and treatment of those Koreans of prewar category and their descendants.
2. Article 2 (Nationality of Koreans) : They are confirmed to be nationals of the Republic of Korea.
3. Article 3 (Permanent residence and deportation) : Regardless of Japanese laws, the Japanese Government should grant the Koreans in question permanent residence if they apply therefor together with registration certificate issued by the Korean Government. The Japanese Government cannot deport those Koreans without consultation with the Republic of Korea.
4. Article 4 (Property rights) : The Koreans Should be entitled to enjoy continuously their property rights which, according to the Japanese law, cannot be enjoyed by aliens.
5. Article 5 (Occupation) : The Koreans can engage in all occupation except occupation of public officers of the Japanese Government.
6. Article 6 (Properties carried by Korean repatriatees and their remittance of funds) : The repatriates can, without restriction, take away from Japan movables, and can remit the funds he owns to the Republic of Korea,
7. Article 7 (Final Clause) : Ratification, etc.

the Republic of Korea, the Republic of Korea, Japan, the Republic of Korea
the Japanese Government, the Korean Government, The Japanese Government, the Japanese Government

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협정서 초안의 주요 요점 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0010_0491