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일본 측 수정안에 대한 국제적십자위원회의 입장에 관한 건

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
  • 날짜
    1959년 11월 5일
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
  • 형태사항
November 5th, 1959.
Your Excellency:
This morning I went to ICRC and learned that Dr. Lehner has made a report to ICRC : this morning their own meeting continued.
I have found out that Dr. Lehner reported to ICRC that the ICRC Mission in Japan was having great difficulty owing to the demonstrations staged by "both parties" and that careful watch should be kept to see whether or not the Japanese Rad Cross abides by the principles of ICRC. Hereafter the ICRC meeting concluded that in the last test if Japan does not abide by the principles, then they will withdraw. Therefore they consider the last week of the so-called repatriation plan, at the embarkation port, as very important. This story I learned from one of the staff of ICRC this morning. I pointed out to Mr. Manoir, who is in charge of this issue here, that Japan has already violated the principles in the light of the ICRC statement, because in the statement it is clearly said that ICRC will stick to the individual sad voluntary basis, but it is not so now in Japan. What Japan thinks about it is different. I also talked this matter over with Mr. Durant, who is the successor of Dr Lehner, and who is leaving tomorrow for Tokyo, and asked him that ICRC should watch the Japanese Red Cross closely, and reiterated our position that the sooner ICRC withdraws from the scene the better for all. Mr. Durant said that he would study this issue carefully and the decision would be taken by ICRC.
With sentiments of loyalty and esteem,
I remain,
Faithfully yours,
His Excellency President Syngman Rhee,
Office of the President,

Lehner, Lehner, Manoir, Durant, Lehner, Durant
Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Tokyo
ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, the ICRC, the Japanese Rad Cross, ICRC, the ICRC, ICRC, the ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, the Japanese Red Cross, ICRC, ICRC

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일본 측 수정안에 대한 국제적십자위원회의 입장에 관한 건 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0040_1500