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국제적십자위원회의 동향 보고 및 한국의 대응에 대한 권고

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
    이승만 대통령
  • 날짜
    1959년 7월 13일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
July 13, 1959
TO : His Excellency the President
FROM : Vice-Foreign Minister
SUBJEC : Invitation to ICRC vice president Juno to visit Korea
Along with its decision to participate in the Japan -puppet deportation scheme, the ICRC announced that Mr. Marcel Juno, its vice president, would shortly visit Japan to investigate actual conditions there concerning the contemplated deportation. It is most likely that his observations and reports will have a significant bearing on the future course of the ICRC in the present issue.
Now that the ICRC made clear its official stand on to the issue, it is necessary for our Government continue efforts to disuade ICRC from taking further actions detrimental to our interests. On this premise, it seems advisable that we invite Mr. Juno to visit Korea, too. It is feared that, visiting Japan only, Mr. Juno might be presented with an one-sided picture of the issue by the Japanese. By inviting him to visit Korea as well, we will be able to ascertain personally the exact attitude of ICRC toward the deportation and persuade him directly that ICRC 's decision for participation stemmed from misrepresentations by the Japanese. It will also provide us with an opportunity to demonstrate to him the adamant determination of our people to oppose at any cost the deportation of our nationals to Communism.
Therefore, I humbly recommend for Your Excellency's approval that our National Red Cross President extend, by the draft cable attached herewith, an invitation asking the ICRC to have Mr. Juno visit the Republic of Korea
Most respectfully,

Marcel Juno, Juno, Juno, Juno
Japan, Japan, Korea, Japan, Korea, Republic of Korea
ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, Red Cross, the ICRC

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국제적십자위원회의 동향 보고 및 한국의 대응에 대한 권고 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0040_0220