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연안해의 주권에 관한 대통령 선언

  • 작성자
    대한민국대통령 이승만
  • 날짜
    1952년 1월 18일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
Supported by well-established international precedents and urged by the impelling need of safeguarding, once and for all, the interests of national welfare and defence, the President of the Republic of Korea hereby proclaims:
1. The Government of the Republic of Korea holds and exercises the national sovereignty over the shelf adjacent to the peninsular and insular coasts of the national territory, no matter how deep it may be, protecting, preserving and utilizing, therefore, to the best advantage of national interests, all the natural resources, mineral and marine, that exist over the said shelf, on it and beneath it, known, or which may be discovered In the future.
2. The Government of the Republic of Korea holds and exercises the national sovereignty over the seas adjacent to the coasts of the peninsula and islands of the national territory, no matter what their depths may be, throughout the extension, as herebelow delineated, deemed necessary to reserve, protect, conserve and utilize the resources and natural wealth of all kinds that may be found on, in, or under the said seas, placing under the Government supervision particularly the fishing and marine hunting industries in order to prevent this exhaustible type of resources and natural wealth from being exploited to the disavantase of the inhabitants of Korea, or decreased or destroyed to the detriment of the country.
3. The Government of the Republic of Korea hereby declares and maintains the lines of demarcation, as given below, which shall define and delineate the zone of control and protection of the national resources and wealth on, in or beneath the said seas placed under the jurisdiction and control of the Republic of Korea and which shall be liable to modification, in accordance with the circumstances arising from new discoveries, studies or interests that may come to light in future, The zone to be placed under the sovereignty and protection of the Republic of Korea shall consist of seas lying between the coasts of the peninsular and insular territories of Korea and the line of demarcation made from the continuity of the following lines:
a. from the highest peak of U-Am-Ryung, Kyung-Hung-Kun, Ham-Kyong-Pukdo to the point (42˚15'N - 130˚45E)
b. from the point (42°15'N - 130°451E) to the point (38˚00'N - 132°50'E)
c. from the point (38˚00'N - 132˚50'E) to the point (35˚00'N - 130°00'E)
d. from the point (35°00'N - 130°00'E) to the point (34°40'N - 129°10'E)
e. from the point (34°40'N - 129°10'E) to the point (32°00'N - 127°00'E)
f. from the point (32°00'N - 127°00'E) to the point (32°45'N - 124°00'E)
g. from the point (32°00'N - 124°00'E) to the point (39°45'N - 124°00'E)
h. from the point (39°45'N - 124°00'E) to the western point of Ma-An-Do, Sin-Do-Yuldo, Yong-Chun-Kun, Pyungan-Pukdo.
i. from the western point of Ma-An-Do to the point where a straight line drawn north meets with the western end of the Korean-Manchurian borderline.
4. This declaration of sovereignty over the adjacent seas does not interfere with the rights of free navigation on the high seas.

the Republic of Korea, Korea, the Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Korea, U-Am-Ryung, Kyung-Hung-Kun, Ham-Kyong-Pukdo, Ma-An-Do, Sin-Do-Yuldo, Yong-Chun-Kun, Pyungan-Pukdo, Ma-An-Do
The Government of the Republic of Korea, The Government of the Republic of Korea, The Government of the Republic of Korea

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연안해의 주권에 관한 대통령 선언 자료번호 : kj.d_0007_0020_0093