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미국 함대의 군사 행위 항의

  • 발신자
    李基祖, 鄭歧源
  • 수신자
    E. B. Drew
  • 수신일
    1871년 4월 16일(음)(高宗八年四月十六日)
  • 출전
    『양요초』, pp. 77-8.
富平抵彼人書冨平都護府使李基祖 鎭撫使鄭歧源
珍覆照會向者戊辰四月貴國水師火輪都督費㡬日領船來泊於平安道水軍防禦營三和府界其時余爲知府徃復文字不有惡意相加終必順㱕今又貴國船來泊富平界誠異矣聊寄一書勿靳于回意我國處東海之東貴國䖏西海之西伊風沙七萬里外何常舟楫之來徃自 四千年來未有聲息之相通故曰天之所限地亦懸絶道各不同粤自丙寅之秋干忽有辛苦之相干平壤河之滅沒自速其禍江華府之板蕩誰任其咎初無纎芥之嫌隙夫何干戈之搆怨然以不有噬臍之追悔又作磨跡之忘行所願何事将欲取土地人民耶所欲何言将欲行商辦和睦耶将欲與人民土地則三千里江山城郭豈可容易拋擲理無當也将欲許商辦和睦則四百年禮樂文物豈可無端毁棄說不去也罔念熊魚之義敢作蚌蹫之勢出沒海濤已艱險之偹甞騷繹州郡問日月之㡬何不若早圖良䇿各安其所喻以衷曲庶可開悟
별지: 英譯文
 In the fourth month of the year, Mow-chew, 1868, Captain Febiger, captain of your honorable country’s admiral’s vessel, came and anchored in the Barrier Cantonment of the marine guard of Jaw-Ho prefecture, Ping-Yang Province. I was at that time the prefect. The communication between us offered no cause of offense, the one to the other, and the captain went away peacefully.
 Now, again, your honorable country’s vessels come and anchor within the borders of the prefecture of Foo-Ping, and truly in a different manner. I avail myself of this communication. Do not hold back your valued reply.
 Our kingdom is placed east of the Eastern Sea. Your honored country is located west of the Western Ocean. All winds and sands for the extent of more than 70,000 li (23,000 miles). How can there ever have been vessels coming and going between us? From Tan-Chi early Corean king down these 4,000 years there has been no communication between your country and ours. It may then well be said that it is Heaven’s limitation that has placed us so remote from each other, and earth that has hung us so far apart as to cut us off from each other.
 Our respective dispositions are mutually dissimilar; our guiding principles are not alike.
 We find that in the autumn of the year Ping-Yin 1866 there suddenly arose a troublesome involvement of us in a matter of mutual concern. The destruction in the Ping-Yang river of the General Sherman was brought swiftly on by themselves; and for the wreck in the Kang-Hoa prefecture, who is to be blamed?
 There was formerly not a particle of ill-feeling existing between us. Why should arms now drag us into mutual resentment? Yet, unless destruction leave you to repentance, you will again be taking upon you to constantly return toward us. What affairs would you transact? What words speak? Will you wish to take possession of our land and people, or will you wish to consult upon and carry out friendly relations? If you are going to want us to give away land and people, then let me ask how can 3,000 li 1,000 miles of river, hill city, and country be lightly thrown away? If you will desire us to agree to negotiate and carry out friendly relations, then let me ask how can 4,000 years ceremonies, music, literature, and all things, be, without sufficient reason, broken up and cast away? It does not consist with right, it cannot be spoken of.
 You do not hold the course of justice, lit., as the bear keeps to his native hill, and the fish keeps his native water, but, on the contrary, dare to consult mere expediency, lit., act as the heron with the shell-fish. Having experienced every difficulty and danger in tossing over billowy seas to our country, how long, let me ask, can you annoy lit., ravage district and prefecture?
 It would be better early to mark out a right course of action and each remain peacefully in his own place.
 We inform you, that you may pounder and be enlightened.
 From the general guardian of Foo-Ping prefecture. No name signed.

費㡬日領, ,
富平, 平安道, 三和府, 富平, 東海, 西海, 平壤河, 江華府

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미국 함대의 군사 행위 항의 자료번호 : gk.d_0004_0530