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井上馨·Bingham 회견 내용 전달

미국과 청국의 교섭
  • 발신자
    R. W. Shufeldt{J. B. Angell}
  • 수신자
    J. B. Angell{R. W. Shufeldt}
  • 발송일
    1881년 9월 14일(음)(1881년 9월 14일)
  • 출전
    RWS 국편, Vol. 1
My dear Commodore,

I have just now [______] Washn a copy of a dispatch of M. Bingham, dated June 20th, covering a communication [_____] the Chinese Minister to Japan on the subject of opening Corea. The gist of it is that the Minister (in M.B’s opinion) wanted Corea to have a treaty with us to prevent in some (way) the use of Corea as a base (near) Russia against China, but that as soon as the danger of war was over China can do no more about it.
If you have not seen the dispatch and would like to see it, I will send it down to you.
Do you think I had better send the [________] the matter upon 2 go? Absolutely no news here except the probable retirement of Tso from the [_____] or accruement of increasing infirmities.
In the steamers pretty soon to leave for Shanghai Saturday or Sunday?
I hope you and your daughter are enjoying this fine weather. Count on it for a few months.

Yours very truly,
J.B. Bryce

Commodore Shufeldt

Bingham, J.B. Bryce, Shufeldt
Peking, Tientsin

본 사이트 자료 중 잘못된 정보를 발견하였거나 사용 중 불편한 사항이 있을 경우 알려주세요. 처리 현황은 오류게시판에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 전화번호, 이메일 등 개인정보는 삭제하오니 유념하시기 바랍니다.

井上馨·Bingham 회견 내용 전달 자료번호 : gk.d_0006_0850