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  • 디렉토리 검색
  • 작성·발신·수신일

Reexamination of modern subjectivity in Japanese fiction

  • 구분
  • 저필자
    Center for Inter-cultural Studies and Education
  • 발행자
    Center for Inter-cultural Studies and Education, Josai University
  • 발행일
  • 주제분류
  • 형태사항
    60쪽  , 영어 
Foreword / Mizuta Noriko
Introduction / Sekine Eiji
The vernacular movement in Japan and the formation of selfhood / Wakui Takashi
In the scopic regime of discovery:Ishikawa Takuboku’s Romaji nikki and the gendered premise of self-identity / Charles Shirō Inouye
Salvation from a barren paternity:the concept of masculinity and Kōda Rohan’s writings / Ann Sherif
Mori Ōgai:subjectivity, historical change, and their proper language / Lewis Dibble
Shimizu Shikin’s “The broken ring”:a narrative of female awakening / Rebecca L Copeland
Modernity and madness:Lu Xun, Sōseki, and Irokawa Takehiro / Sekine Eiji
Water’s edge / Tsushima Yūko

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Reexamination of modern subjectivity in Japanese fiction 자료번호 : yn.d_0009_0357