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교전의 책임이 조선 정부에 있음을 주장

  • 발신자
    E. B. Drew
  • 수신자
  • 발송일
    1871년 6월 15일(음)(1871년 6월 15일)
  • 출전
    FRUS, 1871. pp. 138-9.
 I had the honor to receive your note, dated the 12th instant, 미국 함대의 침략 행위 비난 in which you complained in unbecoming language of the results which necessarily followed the wanton attack upon our vessels.
 Correspondence between officials, of whatever rank, should contain none other than respectful and polite language; and as you choose to disregard the rule in this respect, it did not occur to me, until your communication came this morning, that a reply was expected.
 The occurrence of the last few days, and the necessary consequences of the evil acts of your officials, of which neither you nor your government have just grounds of complaint. The minister and admiral regret the necessity which compelled this action. They hoped your government would make such reparation as would render forcible redress unnecessary. Ample time was allowed for this to be done; but instead of responding to our overtures for peace the government remained silent, and the officials from whom we heard, yourself among the number, apparently justified the attack upon our vessels. Under these circumstances how could you expect immunity? The operations of the naval forces have been confined to destroying the places from which we were assaulted and routing the soldiers that defended them; although you cannot fail to be aware that a large district of country, which contains many villages, lies within the reach of the guns of our ships, and which remains unmolested. This ought to afford convincing proof that we have no disposition to make indiscriminate warfare upon your country or your people.
 The minister and admiral, as was announced to your government in advance, desire peace. They are ready to treat all friendly overtures in a reciprocal spirit, and it is to be hoped that your government will adopt a wise and prudent course, so that in the future all trouble may be avoided.
 It is desired that you will forward the inclosed dispatch to his Majesty the King of Corea.
TUNG CHIH, 10th year, 4th moon, 28th day, (June 15, 1871)
별지: 漢譯文
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교전의 책임이 조선 정부에 있음을 주장 자료번호 : gk.d_0004_0740