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국제적십자위원회 인사들과의 회합 보고

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
  • 날짜
    1959년 10월 30일
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
  • 형태사항
October 30th, 1959.
Your Excellency:
This morning I called on Mr. Boissier, President of ICRC. I studied carefully the question of this so-called Guide Book sent by the Foreign Ministry, and we had a talk for about an hour. I particularly pointed out the Japanese so-called new implementation of this Book on the deportation issue. I explained that this issue is now a political one and the Japanese Socialist party are playing a role for their own party advantage in cooperation with the Communists. After a lengthy explanation as to why it is so inappropriate and unjust on the part of the Japanese to twist this Guide Book, I appealed to him that the sole purpose of my seeing him was to save our own people from falling into Communist hands through the treacherous behavious of the Japanese.
Mr. Boissier asked a few questions about my views on the background of this Japanese move, my interpretation of the Communist move and so on. He then said that the matter would of course be decided by the Committee, though he himself believes that the Guide Book should be strictly observed and not changed in any manner. I again said: "Mr. President, the Japanese have set a new rule and are asking you for approval. If the Committee approves this it will be a great disappointment to the whole free world." He said that he was inclined to think that it might not be appropriate to give approval to this Japanese request: rather, ICRC should tell the Japanese that the Guide Book should be strictly observed and if the Guide Book is not observed at Niigata Port the ICRC mission will withdraw. I was very much encouraged, and then said: "Mr. President, your esteemed Committee should refuse the Japanese request and withdraw the mission from Japan." Mr. Boissier said that his personal view is not to give approval of this Japanese request, but to wait and see the developments at Niigata Port. If the practice is not in accordance with the ICRC principle, then ICRC will withdraw. This is the best I could do to get his commitment.
I then explained the position of our country in the world and our strong stand against the Communists, spoke of the Japanese scheme, and so on. He became very sympathetic with us , and said that as his personal view he would not approve, but wait and see what the Japanese would do about these things. If the Japanese violate, then ICRC would withdraw.
This is a brief account of my talk with Mr. Boissier. At the moment I judge the situation as follows:
1. ICRC will avoid a direct decision on the Japanese request and will see what the Japanese do.
2. If the situation in Japan becomes more complicated in the eyes of ICRC, there is a strong possibility that ICRC will withdraw.
3. There is some possibility that ICRC may announce that Japan should observe the Guide Book and, if not, ICRC will withdraw.
4. However, since the matter will be discussed by the Committee, the Committee can make any decision regardless of Boissier 's remarks. I am therefore still on the alert and in contact with other Committee members.
5. It is further necessary that we should point out openly how the Japanese are disregarding humanitarian principles, and make constant publicity in this connection. In this regard, the ICRC people regularly read our "Korean Republic ", through our office.
I shall continue my efforts for our cause. With sentiments of loyalty and esteem,
I remain,
Faithfully yours,
His Excellency President Syngman Rhee,
Office of the President,

Boissier, Boissier, Boissier, Boissier, Boissier
Niigata Port, Japan, Niigata Port, Japan, Japan, Korean Republic
the Foreign Ministry
ICRC, Japanese Socialist party, ICRC, the ICRC, the ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, the ICRC
Guide Book, Guide Book, the Guide Book, the Guide Book, the Guide Book, the Guide Book

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국제적십자위원회 인사들과의 회합 보고 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0040_1390