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재일한인 북송 문제와 관련한 미국 내 선전활동 보고

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
    이승만 대통령
  • 날짜
    1959년 8월 13일
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
  • 형태사항
August 13, 1959
Your Excellency,
Yesterdays afternoon I went to see Senator Style Bridges in his office at the Capitol to discuss with him the Japanese unilateral decision to deport our innocent Korean residents in Japan to the northern part of our country into Communist slavery and communes.
I gave them the complete background material and urged him to give an address on the floor of the Senate, because I felt most of the senators are so busy with so many problems that they have no idea of just exactly what is taking place in the Far East, but if he would make a short statement giving them the facts of the Japanese scheme I am convinced the fair-minded American senators as well as the American people will realize that there is the makings of a great human tragedy in this action, and something should be done before it is too late.
Then I presented him with the enclosed statement to be made by him on the floor of the Senate. I asked him to look it over and change it any way he saw fit, but to incorporate the facts contained in it. He has agreed to do it, and instructed his administrative assistant to study it and put it in final form so that he can present it before the members of the Senate. I asked him to let me know, and he agreed to do so. He said he was sending a copy to our mutual friend Mr. Bill Loeb, of the Manchester Union Leader. Your
Excellency, will remember that I was up in New Hampshire, and while there I made OM very fine complimentary remarks about Senator Bridges. It seems this was related back to him, and, naturally, he was very pleased about it.
When he does give this speech on the floor of the Senate, I shall immediately have the newspapers carry it, and I think it will be very effective.
Your Excellency will note that I tried to appeal to the emotional side of the American people to show the danger to the American boys who are sitting on this side of the 38th parallel, as well as the grave danger to America if manpower is given to the Communists in the north.
In this connection, I am also sending the replies that I have received so far from the various senators and other sources in answer to my letter with the White paper and the press release thereon. I an sure Your Excellency will like to look then over.
With renewed sentiments of loyalty and esteem, I remain,
Respectfully yours,
You Chan Yang
His Excellency Dr. Syngman Rhee President of the
Republic of Korea Seoul

Style Bridges, Bill Loeb, Bridges
Japan, Far East, New Hampshire, America
the Manchester Union, the Communists in the north

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재일한인 북송 문제와 관련한 미국 내 선전활동 보고 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0060_0270