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협의할 제 문제

  • 날짜
    1959년 12월 1일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
December 1, 1959
I. Question of our draft Joint Communique on resident issue and on effectuation of detainees' repatriation will be settled simultaneously at an earliest possible date along the following lines:
1. A Joint Communique of brief contents will be issued to announce in effect that an agreement was made in principle on the repatriation of Korean residents in Japan to and their resettlement in the Republic of Korea and also on the treatment of the Korean residents in Japan while they remain in Japan.
2. With regard to the problem of "compensation", the Japanese side will give oral assurance for payment of certain amount of fund to our side and the same also to side which will keep record thereof to be turned over to our side.
3. With regard to the problem of property to be taken away and fund remitted by repatriating Koreans and soon an understanding will be made in the form of Exchange of Notes Verbale or Agreed Minutes, etc.
4. Announcement will be made for the mutual release and repatriation of detainees, setting the date for implementation.
5. Those Japanese fishermen who served out their sentences as of the date of the above announcement will be repatriated. As for the problem of those Korean detainees at Omura who allegedly desire to go to the Communist north, status quo will be kept for the time being.
II. If the above can be settled and if Japan makes commitment ※as to rice-import question, etc., will take this opportunity to lift our economic measures taken against Japan on June 15, 1959.

the Republic of Korea, Japan, Japan, Japan
draft Joint Communique on resident issue, the repatriation of Korean residents in Japan, the treatment of the Korean residents in Japan, the problem of "compensation", Korean detainees at Omura, rice-import question

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협의할 제 문제 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0030_0731