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A South China Sea Regional Seas Convention: Transcending Soft Law and State Goodwill in Marine Environmental Governance?

  • 구분
  • 저필자
    Alexis Ian P. Dela Cruz

Introduction: Treaty-Making Beyond the Numbers
Regional Seas: A Game of Jargon?
Regional Marine Environmental Governance in the South China, Mediterranean and Caribbean Seas
 The South China Sea
 The Mediterranean Sea
 The Caribbean Sea
 Marine Environmental Governance Without RSCs: Resistance, Not Uniqueness
Transcending State Goodwill: Some Proposals
Biographical Statement
marine environmental governance
regional seas convention

marine environmental governance, regional seas convention

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A South China Sea Regional Seas Convention: Transcending Soft Law and State Goodwill in Marine Environmental Governance? 자료번호 : jm.d_0011_0020