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Disputed Vietnamese Territories in the South China Sea: Structure, Physical-Geographical Characteristics, Management of Areas and Development

  • 구분
  • 저필자
    Chunjuan Nancy Wei and Mai Frndjibachian

Ⅰ. Introduction
Ⅱ. Historical Entanglements
Ⅲ. Geographic Significance and Counting Problems
Ⅳ. Vietnam’s Position and Administrative Structures
Ⅴ. Features in the Spratly Archipelago Under Vietnamese Occupation
 A. Truong Sa Village/Island District
 B. Sinh Ton Village
 C. Song Tu Tay Village:
 D. DK1 Rigs: Economic, Scientific and Technological Service Stations
Ⅵ. Conclusion
Biographical Statement
island reclamation
Sino-Vietnamese territorial disputes
South China Sea
Spratly Islands
Vanguard Bank
Vietnam territory

island reclamation, Sino-Vietnamese territorial disputes, South China Sea, Spratly Islands, Vanguard Bank, Vietnam territory

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Disputed Vietnamese Territories in the South China Sea: Structure, Physical-Geographical Characteristics, Management of Areas and Development 자료번호 : jm.d_0013_0030