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한일예비회담의 당면문제

  • 날짜
    1957년 9월 27일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
September 27, 1957
1. Japan agreed to withdraw its alleged claims to its former property in Korea, but on condition that Korea renounces, to sore degree, its claims against Japan, under the theory that Korea's claims and Japanese alleged claims are mutually relevant in accordance with the San Francisco Peace Treaty, and this theory came to be supported by the so-called U.S. Memorandum.
2. What we obtained in the course of the preliminary talks was the Japanese commitments that Japan will discuss for settlement Korean claims with sincerity and the U.S. Memorandum under reference does not signify reciprocal renunciation of Korean and and Japanese claims, although Japan, at this stage, does not make clear the degree to which Japan is intending to counter our claims.
3. To reach preliminary agreement on the problem of property claims, the following recommendation is submitted to Your Excellency together with two alternatives: we accept the Japanese wording in Note Verbale and Joint Communique, while Japan accepts our wording in the Agreed Minutes. This way of solution brings no change on the position which we have taken since June 22, 1957 on property claims issue, but an actual effect is that the point at issue, if included only in the Agreed Minutes, will not be released even after signing, and therefore, will save Japanese face in respect to their people.
4. If the above suggestion be unacceptable to the Japanese side, we may suggest the following two alternatives:
Alternative one: The wording in paragraph 4 of the draft Agreed Minutes reworded as "... does not affect substantially Korean claims in any way." This wording may make our position somewhat weaker, but will minimize reduction of our claims against Japan, securing not whole but major parts of our claims. It also means that we accept in principle the U.S. Memorandum in question.
Alternative two: Reference to the so-called U.S. Memorandum shall not be made in all the documents (Note Verbale, Agreed Minutes and Joint Communique) concerned. If this alternative be adopted, the question of settling our claims against Japan will be shelved for discussion at the overall talks to be resumed. But an effect is that at least the alleged claims of the Japanese side against Korea will not bring a controversial argument again at the overall talks.

Japan, Korea, Korea, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Korea
U.S. Memorandum, the U.S. Memorandum, Note Verbale, Joint Communique, Agreed Minutes, the Agreed Minutes, U.S. Memorandum, U.S. Memorandum
the San Francisco Peace Treaty

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한일예비회담의 당면문제 자료번호 : kj.d_0005_0010_0801