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공동성명 초안에 관한 질문의 답변

  • 발신자
    유태하 대사
  • 수신자
    대통령실, 외무부장관
  • 날짜
    1959년 12월 10일
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
    MTB-306, TM-1257
  • 형태사항
번호 : MTB-306 (TM-1257)
일시 : 101350
TO : Office of the President, Foreign Minister
Re Government cable FTB-317.
Point 1. This Delegation did not consider it necessary to include paragraph 1 item b of previous draft JOINT COMMUNIQUE in the draft Agreed Minutes because the provisions are too natural to be included.
Point 2. This Delegation did not insist upon inclusion of paragraph 2 of the same draft JOINT COMMUNIQUE, viewing that the provisions were concerned with only obligation of our side. This Delegation also took the view that item b of the same paragraph of the previous draft Communique would, if included, give an impression that all burdens including financial on for resettlement in the ROK would be borne only by our side and that these points could, if we want, be dowered by our unilateral statement.
Point 3. As for deportation criteria, this Delegation made utmost efforts to delete the words deportation criteria with agreement of 1957 in mind. However, the Japanese side insisted upon the inclusion of the words, referring to the Annezed Understanding stipulsting "...arrangements for the acceptance of deportees, will be discussed and settled without delay at those talks ...."
Point 4. It was agreed that the Agreed Minutes would not formally be released.
Point 5. The numbers 1 and 2 were put in the last sentence of the Draft Agreed Minutes, simply because the principles agreed on in the Agreed Minutes were stipulated in paragraphs 1 and 2. There is no other meaning at all.
Point 6. As for the amount of "compensation", I will exert my best efforts to reach a conclusion within today. For information, I am scheduled to meet Asian Affairs Director Iseki in the morning and Ambassador MacArthur in the afternoon.
Point 7. If Government thinks it desirable to cover paragraph 1 item b and paragraph 2 item a in the Agreed Minutes, this Delegation will try to cover it.
Ambassador Yiu.

the ROK
JOINT COMMUNIQUE, Agreed Minutes, JOINT COMMUNIQUE, the Agreed Minutes, the Draft Agreed Minutes, the Agreed Minutes, the Agreed Minutes
deportation criteria, deportation criteria, the amount of "compensation"

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공동성명 초안에 관한 질문의 답변 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0030_1030