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재일한인 집단 북송문제에 관한 미국 신문기사 보도에 관한 건

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
    이승만 대통령
  • 날짜
    1959년 2월 18일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
February. 18, 1959
Your Excellency,
In the absence of Ambassador Yang, of course I have been trying to do my utmost to keep up with the work here. Ever since the press broke out with the news of the Japanese Government unilateral decision to ship our own nationals who are in Japan into communist slavery, 1 have been meeting with several newspapermen every day giving them the necessary background information as wall as other people. The dispatches coming from Korea are very good and they have given me good guidance.
I believe for the last four or. five days every news—paper in this country carried some news about this hideous Japanese attempt to force our Koreans into the communist slave camps in the Northern part of Korea. Several newspapers have carried editorials, including the NewYork Times, Washington Post, and Christain Science Monitor. These editorials are more for our position, even the Washington Post, in its editorial on the 14th of February defends our position eloquently,.
I have written to the New York Times and Washington Post, letters reiterating our position regarding this whole issue. Enclosed are copies of these letters.
Sincerely yours,
Pyo Wook Han
His Excellency
Dr. C. W. Cho
Foreign Minister
Seoul, Republic of Korea

Pyo Wook Han
Japan, Korea, Korea, Seoul, Republic of Korea
the Japanese Government
the NewYork Times, Washington Post, Christain Science Monitor, the Washington Post, the New York Times, Washington Post

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재일한인 집단 북송문제에 관한 미국 신문기사 보도에 관한 건 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0060_0011