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합의의사록 제2안

  • 날짜
    1957년 10월 29일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
Alternative (2)
4. Chief of the Korean Mission in Japan:
In connection with the Korean claims, the Korean side would like to submit for discussion and settlement at the overall talks to be resumed, the same proposal that it had submitted at the previous talks.
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan:
In such case, the Japanese side has no objection to discussing for settlement such Korean claims with sincerity.
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan:
I understand that with respect to the "Statement of the U.S. Position on the Interpretation of Article 4 of the Japanese Peace Treaty with Respect to the Korean-Japanese Claims Settlement" dated , 1957, the Government of the Republic of Korea is also of the same opinion with the said statement. I further understand that the said U.S. Statement does not signify the reciprocal renunciation of the property claims.
Chief of the Korean Mission in Japan:
It is also my understanding. I further understand that if the Japanese side should fail to settle the Korean claims with all its sincerity. the Government of the Republic of Korea will be free obserbing the interpretation of the said U.S. Memorandum.
Minister for Foreign Affairs of Japan:
It is also my understanding.

Foreign Affairs of Japan, Foreign Affairs of Japan, the Government of the Republic of Korea, the Government of the Republic of Korea
the Korean Mission in Japan, the Korean Mission in Japan
U.S. Statement, U.S. Memorandum

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합의의사록 제2안 자료번호 : kj.d_0005_0020_0373