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Japan Unbound:A Volatile Nation’s Quest for Pride and Purpose

  • 구분
  • 저필자
    John Nathan
  • 발행자
    Houghton Mifflin Books
  • 발행일
  • 주제분류
  • 형태사항
    271쪽  , 영어 
Introduction I  
Shintaro Ishihara, Japan, Asahi Shimbun
Toyama, Kunitachi, judo
The Family Crisis  
Numatas, Forty-seven Ronin, salaryman
The Culture of Arithmetic  
Nissan, Carlos Ghosn, Renault
The Entrepreneurs  
Monex, Softbank, Masayoshi Son
In Search of a Phantom  
Aum Shinrikyo, Yoshinori Kobayashi, Yasukuni Shrine
The New Nationalism  
comfort women, Kimi Ga Yo, Yasukuni Shrine
The Sun King  
Yukio Mishima, Makiko Tanaka, aikokusha
The Trickster  
Yasuo Tanaka, Nagano Prefecture, Kenzaburo Oe

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Japan Unbound:A Volatile Nation’s Quest for Pride and Purpose 자료번호 : yn.d_0009_0394