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일본의 주선 및 李鴻章과의 회견 보고

미국과 청국의 교섭
  • 발신자
    R. W. Shufeldt
  • 수신자
    J. B. Angell
  • 발송일
    1880년 8월 30일(음)(1880년 8월 30일)
  • 출전
    AADM, pp. 905-6.

I have the honor to inform you that in pursuance of instructions from the Navy Department. I have been endeavoring for the last few months to open, by peaceful measures, negotiations with the Government of Corea for the purpose of making a treaty of amity for the protection of shipwrecked mariners and property on the Corean Coast.
In view of the fact that Corea and Japan had recently entered into treaty relations it was thought by the Honorable Secretary of State that the intimacy of the two countries might be taken advantage of and accordingly has instructed our Minister in Japan, the Honorable John A. Bingham to apply to the Japanese Government for such personal or official letters to the Corean Authorities as might contribute to our success—.
The Japanese Government acceded to Mr.Bingham's request and agreed to cooperate but this for the result has been unsatisfactory.
In this interview His Excellency assured me that he would use his good offices in our behalf and urge the Corean Government to make a treaty with the United States and that, while he could not predict what the result of his endeavor would be, he would acquaint you with the reply he received. I write in order to advise you of the promised action of His Excellency in this matter-.
As it is my intention to sail from Japan for San Francisco about the 1st of October next, not feeling authorized under my orders to delay longer on this duty the result of such action as His Excellency, the Viceroy may take can be submitted directly to the Government at Washington.
Trusting that His Excellency's influence may prevail and the end sought for attained.

I have the honor……
R. W. Shufeldt

John A. Bingham, R. W. Shufeldt
San Francisco, Washington
the Navy Department

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일본의 주선 및 李鴻章과의 회견 보고 자료번호 : gk.d_0006_0780