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러시아의 조선 점령 가능성 및 미국의 조선 교섭 계획 보고

제1차 조약 체결 과정
  • 발신자
    V. Drummond
  • 수신자
    G.L.G. Granville
  • 발송일
    1881년 10월 22일(음)(1881년 10월 22일)
  • 수신일
    1881년 11월 5일(음)(1881년 11월 5일)
  • 출전
    FO 881/4595; AADM p. 115.
Mr. Drummond to Earl Granville.—(Received November 5)

(No. 310 Most Confidential)
Washington, October 22, 1881

My Lord,

I HAVE the honour to inform your Lordship that, in a conversation with one of my colleagues here, he mentioned to me most confidentially that both the United Sates and Russia are desirous of obtaining a foothold in Corea. Both countries will make use of China and Japan for their own purposes to obtain an entry into that mysterious country, supposed to contain enormous mineral wealth.
My colleague says that Russia will ultimately endeavour to obtain possession of Corea, and with this intention will use China as the point of the wedge to enter there, and is trying to obtain from China some point of territory on the coast of Chinese Tartary, ostensibly as a coaling-station for her vessels of war, but in reality as an arsenal for future operations.
The United States, on the other hand, will make use of Japan in her dealings with Corea, and take advantage of her relations with that country to induce her to bring her influence to bear on the Coreans for permission to allow the entry and reception of a Untied States’ Envoy.
The Americans wish to be the first in the field, but the Russians will use all their diplomacy and power to win the race.

I have, &c.

Drummond, Granville, VICTOR DRUMMOND

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러시아의 조선 점령 가능성 및 미국의 조선 교섭 계획 보고 자료번호 : gk.d_0007_0580