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재개된 4차 한일회담 진행에 관한 건

  • 날짜
    1959년 8월 11일
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
    외정 1854
  • 형태사항
Document No.Woijung 1854
Date : August 11, 1959
Re : Proceedings of the 4th Korea-Japan Talks Resumed
1. Technically speaking, the overall talks resumed is the continued session of the 4th Korea -Japan talks which has been in adjournment since last December, and in which various committees continue to function for settlement of the pending issues. At the resumed talks, however, the prime objective of the Delegation is to settle first the problem of Korean residents in Japan which directly caused the present political tension.
2. Propose to the Japanese side that the Committee on Legal Status of Korean Residents should start its work without delay, keeping in mind that settlement of legal status of Korean residents should be given utmost priority. However, if the Japanese side is sincerely to take up the above issue for settlement, there is no objection to proceed with other committees.
3. Unless and until there is a good prospect that the Committee on Legal Status of Korean Residents in Japan proceeds smoothly, continue discussion on principles at plenary session. If possible, define at plenary sessions principles which should rule the proceedings of the Committee on Legal Status. In settlement of the problem of Korean residents in Japan, there are three questions: 1) who will choose settlement in Japan ; 2) who will be repatriated to the Republic of Korea ; and 3) who will not wish to settle in Japan nor be repatriated to the Republic of Korea. Stress that the problem should be settled in order of first, second and third questions; or first and second simultaneously and after that the third. Explain how it is preponderous if one insists upon settlement of the third question first.
4. In case discussion touches on the problem of Japan's deportation plan, emphatically state that Japan must recognize the fact that once Koreans have fallen into the trap of Communist propaganda, they can have no more free choice of residence; that Japan allowed the Communists to agitate those people detrimentally to the interests of free nations; and that Japan discriminates Korean residents in Japan so severely that they could have no alternative but leaving for the northern part of Korea, where they are allured into.
5. In the 4th Korea -Japan conference, our last position for legal status of Korean residents in Japan is the proposal of October 20, 1958. However, the Government is reviewing the above proposal to meet new situation. Therefore, the Delegation may hint, if necessary, that the Korean side may propose a new draft agreement if fundamental principles are agreed on in settlement of the issue.
6. Stress to the Japanese side that as maintaining status quo of the Korea -Japan relations is indispensable any unilateral disposal of the issue on the part of the Japanese Government might precipitate the talks into serious impasse.
7. Impress whenever necessary the Japanese side to the following effect: "The Korean side knows well that the Japanese Government is very anxious to reduce the number of Korean residents in Japan to the minimum, but this desire of Japan can be materialized only with cooperation of the Government of the Republic of Korea."

Korea, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, Republic of Korea, Japan, Republic of Korea, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, the northern part of Korea, Korea, Japan, Japan, Korea, Japan, Japan, Japan
Japanese Government, Japanese Government, the Government of the Republic of Korea
the Committee on Legal Status of Korean Residents, the Committee on Legal Status of Korean Residents in Japan, the Committee on Legal Status

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재개된 4차 한일회담 진행에 관한 건 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0020_1321