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국제적십자위원회의 서한

  • 발신자
    국제적십자위원회 총재 레오폴드 보이세
  • 수신자
    대한적십자사 대표 손창환
  • 날짜
    1960년 2월 9일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
Geneva, February 9, 1960
Dear Mr. President,
We acknowledge the receipt of your telegram and your letter dated January 22 last. We thank you for this communication, to which we have given our full attention.
It is correct that the head of our special mission in Tokyo recently drew the attention of the Japanese Red Cross to the desirability, in his view, of all appropriate measures being taken in order as far as possible to avoid anything of a political or propaganda character being attached to the repatriation operations. Our delegates reported to us that the Japanese Red Cross had acted on those recommendations and that the departures last month had not given rise to any demonstrations such as those which had prompted our mission to intervene. Our mission was referring not to impressions, but to objective findings made on the spot by ICRC delegates.
For our part, we interpret this as an instance of the goodwill and good intention which inspire the Japanese Red Cross. It cannot be denied that, in often delicate circumstances, that Society is making great efforts to ensure that the repatriations proceed smoothly. Difficulties undoubtedly exist and progress can still be made on a number of points. It is, however, certain that the Japanese Red Cross has not hesitated to make its very efficient services fully available to this operation, as our delegates in Japan have confirmed.
On the other hand, the International Committee of the Red Cross is struck by the fact that although actual repatriation to the northern part of your country commenced almost two months ago, there is not even the beginning of a solution to the problem of any more or less collective return to the Republic of Korea. We know that the matter is currently under discussion between the two Governments concerned and it is not our intention to interfere in those negotiations. We would, however, welcome any development that would give to the whole operation a balance which, for reasons beyond our control, is still lacking.
We should therefore appreciate your keeping us informed of the results of the discussions. We would also be interested to know whether or not the Republic of Korea National Red Cross has been able to carry out the plans outlined to us by your Society's Vice-President, Dr. Helen Kim, when she visited us in Geneva, as regards material assistance for Koreans who elect to remain in Japan.
Yours sincerely,
Dr. Chang Whan Sohn President
The Republic of Korea National Red Cross SEOUL

Helen Kim
Tokyo, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Geneva, Japan
the Japanese Red Cross, the Japanese Red Cross, ICRC delegates, the Japanese Red Cross, the Japanese Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Republic of Korea National Red Cross

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국제적십자위원회의 서한 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0050_0271