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  • 디렉토리 검색
  • 작성·발신·수신일


  • 날짜
    1959년 7월
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
(Enclosure I)
In his conversation with Mr. Aiichiro Fujiyama, Foreign Minister of Japan, on July , 1959, Ambassador Tai Ha Yiu of the Korean Mission in Japan discussed a way of easing the tension currently existing between the Republic of Korea and Japan particularly in connection with the problem of Korean residents in Japan, and the Foreign Minister will recall that the Korean Ambassador covered the following points:
The Korean Government considers it most unfortunate to prolong any longer the present situation of the Korea -Japan relations which would be surely utilised, for political purpose by the Communists against which the Republic of Korea fought a struggle of life and death, and detrimentally to the security of the Northeast Asia.
The attention of the Japanese Government was invited to the fact that among approximately two million Koreans residing in Japan as of the time of termination of World War II, about 1.4 millions were repatriated to the Republic of Korea and the rest of tham chose settlement in Japan. Naturally with deep concern and in order to safeguard the interests of its residents abroad, the Korean Goverment has endeavored with sincerity in its talks with the Japanese Government to regulate the status and treatment of those remaining Korean residents who chose permanent residence in Japan. On the other hand, it has been a consistent policy of the Korean Government to receive all those who still with repatriation to the Republic of Korea. During the foregoing decade, however, it was learned that there were various difficulties in the repatriation of these voluntary repatriatee and their re-settlement at home, which could not be removed without mutual arrangements with the Japanese Government. If all these are done, the Korean Government is even ready to encourage mass repatriation of Korean residents in Japan, and thereby settle once and for all the problem of Korean residents in Japan to the satisfaction of the two governments by the terms which may be mutually agreed on. The Korean Government, therefore, proposes to the Japanese Government an unconditional resumption, at earliest possible date, of the Korea -Japan overall talks in which the problem of Korean residents in Japan will be discussed for settlement.
Tokyo, July, 1959

Aiichiro Fujiyama, Tai Ha Yiu
Japan, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Japan, Korea, Japan, the Republic of Korea, the Northeast Asia, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Japan, Japan, Republic of Korea, Japan, Japan, Korea, Japan, Japan
The Korean Government, the Japanese Government, the Korean Goverment, Korean Government, Japanese Government, the Korean Government, The Korean Government, the Japanese Government
Korean Mission in Japan

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