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재일한인 북송문제에 관한 국제적십자위원회 듀란 씨와의 면담요지

  • 작성자
  • 날짜
    1960년 7월
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
  • 형태사항
GM-0713 121300
What Dr. Junod said yesterday is as follow:
Item 1: ICRC does not consider itself bound by so-called Calcutta Agreement and ICRC so far is unable to take any decision which would be at variance with former decision, thus it has not changed its position to maintain its Mission in Japan. However, Mr. Durand will return to Japan soon and will report to the Committee about his views on this issue and Dr. Junod himself will visit Seoul and Tokyo in August to evaluate situation and also exchange views with the officials concerned.
Item 2: He said that neither JRC nor Puppet Red Cross approached ICRC on the matter of the renewal of Calcutta Agreement :
Item 3: He further confidentially told me as his personal view that if the Korean side some to agreement with Japanese for repatriation of Koreans in Japan to ROK and inform ICRC of prospective date of such agreement, ICRC might consider to suspend its participation in Japan deportation plan until such agreement is effectuated. He also expressed that no successful efforts had been made to alleviate the suffering of poverty-stricken Koreans in Japan :
Item 4: In the evening of July 11th from seven to ten thirty I also had talks with Dr. Junod and Mr. Gallopin, Director of ICRC while having dinner together:
Item 5: Dr. Junod will visit Seoul on or about August 26 accompanied by his wife.
It might be helpful that we show to Dr. Junod when he comes to Seoul some formula to have our people in Japan who wish to return to our country repatriated and to make some overture to Jap side to discuss the repatriation of Koreans in Japan to ROK and thus impress Dr. Junod and persuade him to withdraw ICRC Mission from Japan
Minister Kim, Geneva

Junod, Durand, Junod, Junod, Gallopin, Junod, Junod, Junod
Japan, Japan, Seoul, Tokyo, Japan, ROK, Japan, Japan, Seoul, Seoul, Japan, Japan, ROK, Japan
ICRC, ICRC, JRC, Puppet Red Cross, ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, ICRC, ICRC Mission
Calcutta Agreement

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재일한인 북송문제에 관한 국제적십자위원회 듀란 씨와의 면담요지 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0050_0661