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프랑스 함대 원정 관련 기사 송부 및 조선과의 통상 조약 필요성

  • 발신자
    G. F. Seward
  • 수신자
    W. H. Seward
  • 발송일
    1866년 11월 27일(음)(1866년 11월 27일)
  • 출전
    NA II, M92 R33
U.S. Consulate General,
Shanghai, Nov. 27 1866
To His Excellency,
Honorable William H. Seward
Secretary of State, Washington
Sir :
 A considerable degree of attention has lately been drawn to Corea. Which has been the scene of the murder of two Romanist Bishops and seven Priests and probably of the crew of the American Schooner General Sherman. With about twenty men, two of whom, passengers were British subjects and men of high standing.
 To avenge the murder of the missionaries, the French Admiral undertook an expedition to Corea that has apparently resulted unfavorably.
 Instead of attempting a resume of these several matters I inclose to you slips cut from the public press of this port which contain substantially all the information that has been received. The slips marked with the plain letters are taken from the issues of the “Shanghai Recorder” and those followed by an X from those of the “North China Daily News” and the dates are noted.
 The slip marked “Y” contains, I think, the most authentic information that has been made public touching the French Evacuation.
 This account however is unsatisfactory as it does not fully explain the motive which influenced the French Commander and leaves him as if he has withdrawn from a position deliberately taken upon the first appearance of trouble.
 My own idea is that the whole expedition was undertaken without authority from Paris and that the Admiral uncertain as to the prospect of being supported caused him to take a step which must have been distasteful to him.
 I am inclined to suppose that the French Government will, if it has not already, propose a joint expedition to the Corea on the part of France, England, and the United States. There is perhaps no reason to hope for any immediate advantage to trade from opening Corea. But doubtless a considerable traffic would grow up in the course of a few years. Corea is, however, so situated that the commerce of the Gulf of Petcheli of Eastern Siberia and Western Japan flows along the coasts and whether it would be of advantage to make a Commercial Treaty, or not, it certainly is desirable to require of the Coreans security for the kind treatment of Shipwrecked persons.
I have the honor to the,
Your obedient Servant
Geo F. Seward.
U. S. Consulate General Shanghai

Corea, Corea, the Corea, France, England, the United States, Corea, Corea, Petcheli
the French Government

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프랑스 함대 원정 관련 기사 송부 및 조선과의 통상 조약 필요성 자료번호 : gk.d_0002_0850