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Objections Not Possessing an “Exclusively Preliminary Character” in the South China Sea Arbitration

  • 구분
  • 저필자
    Stefan Talmon

I. Introduction
II. Preliminary Objections in the South China Sea Arbitration
III. Whether Objections Do Not Possess an “Exclusively Preliminary Character”
 1. The Question of Bifurcation Distinguished
 2. The Jurisprudence of the International Court of Justice as a Point of Reference
 3. Preliminary Objections and the “Exclusively Preliminary Character” Test in the ICJ’s Jurisprudence
IV. Treatment of Preliminary Objections in the South China Sea Arbitration
V. Conclusion
Biographical Statement
dispute settlement
jurisdiction and admissibility
law of the sea
preliminary objections

dispute settlement, jurisdiction and admissibility, law of the sea, preliminary objections

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Objections Not Possessing an “Exclusively Preliminary Character” in the South China Sea Arbitration 자료번호 : jm.d_0006_0050