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북송문제에 관한 대한적십자사의 제안 동봉의 건

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
  • 날짜
    1959년 7월 13일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
6 chemin des Mesmes, Geneva.
July 13th, 1959
Your Excellency:
Enclosed herewith your Excellency will find the draft proposal of our Red Cross to ICRC.
If your Excellency approves, we should like to submit this to the ICRC when the time is appropriate. The significance of this proposal is as follows:
I do not believe the Japanese Red Cross will agree to this proposal and the ICRC will find some excuses for not giving approval to the Japanese request. Even if the Japanese agree, the talks will last a considerable time.
The contention of the proposal is that ICRC should do something for our people in Japan from the point of view of humanitarian relief work rather than of intervention in depatriation.
The wording would be restudied.
Even though it is likely to end as a diplomatic manoeuvre it will certainly help our cause in publicity.
With sentiments of loyalty and esteem
I remain,
Yours faithfully
His Excellency President Syngman Rhee, SEOUL

Red Cross, ICRC, the ICRC, the Japanese Red Cross, the ICRC, ICRC

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북송문제에 관한 대한적십자사의 제안 동봉의 건 자료번호 : kj.d_0008_0040_0240