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사와다 수석대표와의 회담

  • 발신자
    유태하 공사
  • 수신자
  • 날짜
    1958년 12월 8일
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
  • 형태사항
December, 8, 1958
No. 227
TO : ◆…◆ President
FROM : Tai Ha Yiu
SUBJECT : Korea-Japan ◆…◆
Meeting with Chief Japanese ◆…◆ Sawada
Amb. limb and I met Chief ◆…◆ at the kayukaikan at 2:00 p.m. today.
Following is the gist of the talk:
Yiu: Our people are greatly disappointed at the non-progress of the overall talks and are suspicious of the Japanese intentions as evidenced By the fact that they want to settle only the fish problem. Our government officials are at a loss understand how the Japanese side could expect any success in the talks by presenting such a proposal, although it is to be used only as a basis of discussion between the two sides, as you said.
with regard to our art objects, vessels, etc., the Japanese side stated it will return than to us but as yet has failed to carry out its promise, and recently is displaying a barraining attitude. If the Japanese side continues to take such: an attitude, the Korean side must make some final decisions of its own. I believe that time has now come for us to take some action of our own.
Sawada: I was of the belief that the Prime Minister and I were doing out utmost. I cannot tell you how very sorry i am.
The Japanese side knew that the fishery proposal would be rejected, but as I have said to you before your departure for Seoul, there is one way to settle the problem: Japan will recognize the line provided those who violate it are subject to punitive actions under the Japanese law. I am going to suggest other ways which must be given some thought by the Korean side: 1. Certain areas of the Peace Line extend as far as 200 miles and the shortest is 100 miles. They should be modified.
2. Japan will recognize the Peace line provided a limited number of Japanese vessels are allowed to engage in fishing operations. The number of catch should also be limited.
I hope the Korean side will give some thought to these two methods. Your side has been insisting that the line is being maintained for defense purposes, but the Japanese side cannot consider it as simply as that, for fishery is also involved and the Line restricts fishing.
Yiu: Your first proposal are to me before my departure for Seoul is out of the question. As to the latest two, I have to give the same answer. I am going to make a personal suggestion. If the Japanese side is in a position where it cannot openly recornize our line due to the existence of the so-called Bulganin line and the Red China Line, as you say, we might be willing to accept the recognition from the Japanese side in writing and keep it secret.
Sawada: Your suggestion is entirely new to ◆…◆, on my part, have often suggest to the ◆aritine authorities that the ◆…◆ contention that Japan cannot recognize the Peace ◆…◆ of the existence of the ◆…◆countries would only give rise to ◆…◆ of Japan's ◆…◆ and that the only way was ti state it openly and then effect certain ◆…◆to settle the issue.
I shall, however, study what you have just suggested.
With regard to the stal◆◆◆◆◆ condition in the various committees, I will bring it to the attention of the Prime Minister and the authorities concerned, although we have failed to make any progress, we should do our utmost to bring the talks to success since it has already come this far. We should not break it up.
Yiu: We lave continued the talks for that very reason, But there is a limit to our patience and we hope the Japanese side will be a little more sincere. I also hope the Japanese side will return our art objects as early as possible.
Sawada: I advise you to vait a little longer.
The Fishery ◆…◆ will meet this coming Friday. The Japanese side would like to have a formal reply from you concerning our fishery proposal.
Yiu: I shall so advise our delegation.
When I called on his i◆yellency before my departure for Tokyo, I was advised that if kishi's position does not allow him to openly recognize our Peace Line, he could do so in winting that Japan will recognize the Line. His excellency stated that such a method would not be unacceptable. However, I made the suggestion to Amb, Sawada as my own personal opinion.

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사와다 수석대표와의 회담 자료번호 : kj.d_0005_0090_0300