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조약 개정 협상을 위한 사전준비 및 전권 임명을 청하는 조회

제2차 조약 체결 과정
  • 발신자
    H.S. Parkes
  • 수신자
  • 발송일
    1883년 10월 8일(음)(1883년 10월 8일)
  • 출전
    FO 405/33; AADM pp. 355-8., [漢譯] 『구한국』 13(영안 1) pp. 7-8; FO 1080/191
Sir H.S. Parkes to the President of the Foreign Board of the Government of Corea.

Peking, October 8, 1883


I HAVE the honour to inform your Excellency that, as my Government deem it desirable to negotiate a new Treaty with Corea, I have been instructed to proceed there as Plenipotentiary, and to cat in concert with M. Zappe, the Plenipotentiary appointed by the Government of Germany for the same purpose.
Count Tattenbach, the German Representative at Peking, together with myself, have also been instructed to notify the intentions of our respective Governments to that of Corea, and Mr. Aston is accordingly deputed to deliver to your Excellency this letter, and one of similar tenour which Count Tattenbach has addressed to your Excellency.
I expect to arrive in Corea in company with M. Zappe about the 25th instant, and Mr. Aston will precede us by about ten days. During that interval I beg your Excellency to afford Mr. Aston all requisite facilities for completing the necessary arrangements for our reception and accommodation at the capital, and also to obtain the appointment of Plenipotentiaries on the part of your Government, so that M. Zappe and myself may be able to enter on the business of our mission immediately on our arrival.
I am obliged to urge on your Excellency’s consideration the necessity of these negotiations being conducted with all possible dispatch, as in consequence of the lateness of the season it will be impossible for me to reamin long in Corea.
I do not doubt that your Excellency will see in this offer to negotiate a new Treaty a fresh proof of the desire of my Government to establish the most friendly relations with Corea, and I beg to add the expression of my own satisfaction in being charged with a mission of this character, in the execution of which I feel I may confidently rely upon your Excellency’s cordial co-operation.

I take, &c.

癸未九月 日
大英欽差駐劄中華便宜行事大臣巴 爲照會事 照得 現因我國擬定 應與貴國重議和約 玆特欽簡本大臣 錫以全權 派赴貴國 會同大德國欽差全權大臣擦 將一切條款事宜再爲妥議 囑即先行知照等因 查德國駐華大臣譚 亦已奉命 將兩國重議合約之意 先行奉達在案 爲此 相應特派本國領事官阿 賷此照會及譚大臣同因之文 先期十日 上下親投貴國 一併呈覽 本大臣與擦大臣 訂於本月二十五日約可同抵貴境 當此旬日之間 務望協同阿領事官 將在京城一應接待居住應辦事宜妥爲料理 並請預行簡派全權大臣相待 以便本大臣暨擦大臣到日即可作速會商 原因天時較晚 勢不得不乞亟 未能久延故也 竊思我國再擬重訂和款 仍期益敦睦誼之旨 貴大臣自能洞悉 而本大臣欣承此差 所有和衷商辦之處 必能仰藉鼎力 妥爲襄助也 順候籓祉延釐 爲此照會 須至照會者

一千八百八十三年十月初八日 癸未年九月初八日
별지: 閔泳穆의 회신

大朝鮮督辦交涉通商事務閔 爲照覆事 接准貴大臣來文内開云云等因前來 准此 查貴國阿領事已於本月十八日到本衙門晤談 一應接待居住應辦事宜妥爲料理 本大臣奉諭着全權 以便與貴大臣會商 頃聞貴大臣啣命遠涉 已到本國地方 曷任欣喜 玆派本衙門協辦金晚植·主事徐相雨 前往仁川口岸迎接 即同貴大臣到京 惟祈遄臨 順頌勛祺 爲此照覆 須至照覆者

大英欽差駐劄中華便宜行事大臣 巴
癸未九月二十五日 照會

H.S. Parkes, M. Zappe, Tattenbach, Aston, Tattenbach, M. Zappe, Aston, Aston, M. Zappe, HARRY S. PARKES, 金晚植, 徐相雨
Peking, Peking, 京城, 仁川

본 사이트 자료 중 잘못된 정보를 발견하였거나 사용 중 불편한 사항이 있을 경우 알려주세요. 처리 현황은 오류게시판에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 전화번호, 이메일 등 개인정보는 삭제하오니 유념하시기 바랍니다.

조약 개정 협상을 위한 사전준비 및 전권 임명을 청하는 조회 자료번호 : gk.d_0007_1700