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保定府 회견 요청에 대한 회신

미국과 청국의 교섭
  • 발신자
    R. W. Shufeldt
  • 수신자
  • 발송일
    1882년 2월 8일(음)(1882년 2월 8일)
  • 수신일
    1882년 2월 13일(음)(光緖七年十二月二十五日)
  • 출전
    NARA II, M 92, R 60, [漢譯] 『음청』 pp. 54-5.
His Ex. Li-Hung-Chang
Viceroy of Chihli; Senior Guardian to the Heir-Apparent; Grand Secretary, &c &c

Your Excellency:

Your Excellency’s communication of the 2nd inst. from Pao-ting-fu, reached me this morning at Peking.
Although the Hai-Kwan Taotai seems to regret my departure from Tientsin, apprehending that Your Excellency’s letter would have induced me to visit you at Pao-ting-fu yet I think your Excellency will concur with me, that, under the conditions of secrecy which you think proper I should observe at present in Corean affairs, a visit to Pao-ting-fu would be inadvisable; as my journey there could not be made without attracting public attention.
But nevertheless, should Your Excellency still consider a personal interview at Tientsin during the early part of the coming month, as too late for any object you may have in view connected with the Corea, I will be pleased to join you from here at any time you may indicate. In the meanwhile I beg to assure your Excellency that I realize the importance of the caution necessary in initiating this negotiation, in order to avoid the obstacles which would be sure to intervene through international jealousies.
The trust placed in me by my own government, added to the confidence implied on the part of China, through your Excellency, will make me very careful of the obligations connected with this duty. Your Excellency need therefore feel no apprehension of any disclosures from me.
A treaty between the United States and Corea, would be a surprise to the world, to accomplish it, would be a matter of just pride not only to me, but to your Excellency, as one of the Rulers of the nation most interested.

I am with great respect
Your Excellency’s most obt. servt.
(signed) R.W. Shufeldt
Commodore U.S.N.


太子太傅文華殿太學士直隷制府李中堂爵前 敬啓者 十二月十四日保定所發匂旨 頃在都門奉到 據周道台之意 以本大臣急於晉京 不能在津 守待匂函之至爲歉 然朝鮮議約一事 以秘密爲先 本大臣如遽赴保 不旣動人聽聞 由都赴保 尤爲未便 想貴爵中堂 必以鄙意爲然也 如貴爵中堂 適有朝鮮議約 要務相示 不能待至回津面談 尙乞卽日示知 以便登程赴保 本大臣敬禮匂函之意 朝鮮議約一事 自當秘而不宣 以杜他國妬之計 美國國家旣付本大臣以重任 貴爵中堂 復示本大臣以盛情 本大臣斷不敢稍有孟浪 貽覆餗之譏 日後和約有成 實爲貴爵中堂謀國之宏謨 本大臣不過添附末光而已 肅此奉覆 虔頌爵祺 嶭斐爾頓首
西曆二月初八日中曆十二月二十日 十二月二十五日到

Li-Hung-Chang, Hai-Kwan Taotai, R.W. Shufeldt, 李中堂, 嶭斐爾
Peking, Pao-ting-fu, Peking, Tientsin, Pao-ting-fu, Pao-ting-fu, Tientsin
A treaty between the United States and Corea

본 사이트 자료 중 잘못된 정보를 발견하였거나 사용 중 불편한 사항이 있을 경우 알려주세요. 처리 현황은 오류게시판에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 전화번호, 이메일 등 개인정보는 삭제하오니 유념하시기 바랍니다.

保定府 회견 요청에 대한 회신 자료번호 : gk.d_0006_0980