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조불(朝佛) 문제의 국제 공론화 시도

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
    북경주재 각국 공사
  • 발송일
    1866년 10월 17일(음)(同治五年十月十七日)
  • 출전
    『夷務始末』 6, 권 45. p. 1088.
爲照會事 査自中外換約以來 本爵王大臣辦理各國一切交涉事件 無不出自信誠 以期共敦和好 今夏法國有與朝鮮國搆兵之事 准法國 伯大臣兩次照會前來 當經前後照覆 爲之從中排解 以冀保全兩國民命 在本爵王大臣乃係一番美意 不料頃接伯大臣來文 乃以跟役一面之詞 及巷議街談 毫無影響之言 遽見猜疑 是本爵王大臣此番美意 伯大臣全未理會 反疑中存袒護 另有別情 本爵王大臣閱之不快實甚 且伯大臣來文 明言得自風聞 風聞者無據之言也 以無據之言責人 本爵王大臣斷不心服 因同係和好之邦 特將此件前後法國照會三件 及本衙門照覆三件 鈔錄附覽 想貴大臣閱之 自必有公論也 除照會各國住京大臣外 爲此照會
별지: 佛譯文
Pékin le 23 Novembre 1866
Son Altesse le Prince de Kong au Ministre d’Angleterre
 Depuis que la Chine et les pays Etrangers ont échangé des traités moi Prince chargé de la Direction des Affaires Extérieurs j’ai toujours agi avec bonne foi et sincerité voulant ainsi maintenir et fortifier la bonne harmonie qui existe entre nous.
 Depuis que, dès le commencement de l’automne, la France et la Corée se sont trouvées en hostilités j’ai reçu du Chargé d’affaires de France deux dépêches auxquelles j’ai répondu selon leur date d’arrivée en essayant de ramener la concorde et dans l’intéret de l’existence des sujets des deux pays.
 C’était là réellement une très bonne pensée de ma part et je n’aurais pas prévu que je recevrais une dépêche du chargé d’affaires dans laquelle il est visible que se basant sur les seuls dires d’un suivant (de la Mission Coréenne) et sur des bruits sans consistance circulant dans les rues et les carrefours, il se met à concevoir des doutes, n’accorde aucune attention à la bonne pensée qui me faisait agir, prétend que je cherche à excuser la Corée et croit que j’ai des sentiments différents de ceux que j’exprime. Mr= de Bellonnet dit très clairement que ce sont des bruits qui lui sont revenus (fong ouen) or des bruits sont des choses sans preuves et je ne puis admettre que l’on s’appuie là dessus pour dire aux gens des choses désagréables (litt. gronder). Comme nous sommes en bonnes relations je vous envoie Copie des deux dépêches reçues précédemment de la Légation de France et de la troisième que j’ai reçue dernièrement ainsi que des trois réponses de notre Yamen. Je vous prie de les lire sachant très bien que vous les apprécierez avec toute justice.
 J’écris en outre oux autres Ministres Etrangers résidant à la Capitale.
 Veuillez agréer.
Le 14e jour de la 10e lune de la 9e année de Tong-tzé
Pour traduction conforme
Le 1er Interprète de la Légation
G. Lemaire
별지: 英譯文(美國)
Prince Kung to Mr. Burlingame
 Prince Kung, chief secretary of state for foreign affairs, herewith makes a communication.
 It is well known that since the ratification of the treaties between China and western countries, I have endeavored, by a constant adherence to truth and good faith, in every transaction connected with those countries, to maintain amicable relations with them. A serious quarrel having arisen last summer between the French and Coreans, M. de Bellonet, the French charge d’affaires, addressed two communications to me respecting it. In my replies to them, I endeavored to act as a mediator, and so to explain the points of the affair that there might not, after all, be any loss of life to either party. This laudable desire was my only motive. Much to my surprise, I have just received a despatch from M. de Bellonet, in which he quotes the verbal statement of a Corean attendant, together with the gossip of market-places, for the truth of which there is not the shadow of evidence, and brings them up to cast suspicion on me. Seeing, therefore, that he does not meet my laudable desire [to prevent a collision] with the same spirit, but, on the contrary, throws out a suspicion that I am screening and excusing the Coreans, and even have other designs in view, I cannot but be exceedingly dissatisfied with him. He expressly states in his despatch that he thus obtained these rumors, and yet to make from such unsupported rumors charges implicating and upbraiding others, is certainly what I cannot assent to or see the justice of.
 I have been on friendy (Sic) relations with both these countries, and have deemed it best to copy the three despatches of M. de Bellonet. with their replies, and enclose them for your excellency’s information. From them you will no doubt see the merits of the case’ copies of the same are also sent to the other foreign ministers resident in Peking.
United States Minister to China.
NOVEMBER 21, 1866 (Tungchi, 5th year, 10th moon, 14th day)
별지: 英譯文(英國)
November 20, 1866
THE Prince of Kung makes a communication.
 Ever since China and foreign nations exchanged the ratification of their Treaties, the Prince, in the management of all questions in which foreign countries have had a common interest with China, has in every instance acted with perfect good friendly relations would be strengthened.
 In the summer of the present year hostilities broke out between France and Corea, and the Prince received first one and then another despatch on the subject from M. de Bellonnet (Chargé d’Affaires of France).
 To these despatches replies were at the time severally sent. The Prince’s object (in the replies) was, as an intermediary, to arrange the difficulty in the hope of preserving the lives of the subjects of both countries. The Prince was actuated by none but the best of motives ; he has read, therefore, with excessive grief a despatch just received from M. de Bellonnet in which (the Chargé d’Affaires gives expression to) certain suspicions he has hastily formed, based upon the one-sided statements of a menial attendant, and the totally groundless gossip of the streets and lanes.
M. de Bellonnet completely ignores the goodness of the Prince’s intentions, and even suspects (the Chinese Government) of a desire to favour and defend (Corea), and of having other designs besides.
M. de Bellonnet states distinctly in his despatch that his information is based on rumour. Now a rumour is a statement destitute of proof, and that a person should be censured on statements destitute of proof (is a principle) the Prince can by no means acquiesce in.
 As China and the Powers (represented in Peking) are all in relations of amity and friendship with each other, the Prince herewith incloses, for the perusal of the British Minister, copies of the three French despatches on this subject and of the three replies of the Yamên. His Highness has no doubt that when his Excellency reads them he will express a just opinion on the matter. [“Kung lun,” just opinion, may also imply a general and impartial discussion of the questions by all the Ministers].
 The Prince is writing at the same time to the other foreign Ministers in Peking.
A necessary communication addressed to Sir R. Alcock, K. C.B., &c. &c.
Tung Chih, 5th year, 10th month, 14th day.

伯大臣, 伯大臣, 伯大臣, 伯大臣, Prince Kung, Mr. Burlingame, Prince Kung, M. de Bellonet, M. de Bellonet, M. de Bellonet, ANSON BURLINGAME, THE Prince of Kung, M. de Bellonnet, M. de Bellonnet, M. de Bellonnet, M. de Bellonnet, R. Alcock
, , , , 法國, 朝鮮國, 法國, 法國, China, Peking, China, China, China, France, Corea, Corea, China, Peking, Peking
state for foreign affairs

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조불(朝佛) 문제의 국제 공론화 시도 자료번호 : gk.d_0002_0820