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제4차 한일회담 진행에 관한 건

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
    한일회담 수석대표 임병직 대사(유태하 공사 참조)
  • 날짜
    1958년 11월 4일
  • 문서종류
  • 문서번호
    외정 4098호
  • 형태사항
(발송할 공문의 내용)
의정 제 호
단기 4291년 11월 4일
외무부 장관
한일회담 수석대표 임병직 대사 귀하
(사본: 유태하 공사 귀하)
건명: 제4차 한일회담 진행에 관한 건
머리의 건에 관하여 최근의 귀하의 보고를 검토한 후 앞으로의 회담 진행에 관하여 별첨과 같이 지시하오니 그 시행에 있어서 만전을 기하시기 바라나이다.
별첨: 1. Legal Status of Korean Residents in Japan
2. Return of Korean Vessels
3. Return of Korean Art Objects
4. Other Claims (the remaining problems)
(이 공문의 매수는 전부 6매임)
November 7, 1958
Le: Legal Status of Korean Residents in Japan
(Refer to MTB-035)
1. It is absolutely necessary for the two Governments “to affirm that Koreans in Japan are nationals of the Republic of Korea.” This is one of the essential parts of our draft of October 20, 1958, to which there is no alternative.
2. “Korean residents in Japan” include descendants of those Koreans who have been residing since prior to world war 11. This is our firm stand which is irrevocable.
3. As to the Japanese question concerning paragraph 2 of Article 2 of Article 2 of our draft, we reserve our answer pending our further study.
4. In connection with the procedures for Korean residents applications for permanent residence, our draft may be revised so that they could be granted permanent residence automatically with the coming into force of the Agreement.
5. “Consultation case by case” is a logical conclusion from “permission for permanent residence” if the Japanese side really intends to grant such permission.
6. We do not think 1,8 billion Yen per annum is sufficient subsidies to Koreans in poverty, for whose being in Japan is solely responsible. But if the Japanese Government is unable, by financial difficulty, to continue to subsidize such Koreans, we are ready to receive them to home if Japan makes compensation for their having been in slavery predicament since they were forcibly taken to Japan for Japan’s purpose.
7. with regard to the Japanese question concerning our reservation to Articles 4 and 5 of our draft, if the Japanese side clearly tells us (putting into record) that Korean residents in Japan have actually enjoyed property rights and occupations which aliens in force of the San Francisco Peace Treaty, we are ready to withdraw the said reservation.
November 3, 1958
Re: Return of Korean Vessels
(Refer to MTB-038)
1. It is Japan that should present a list of vessels since the vessels in question are now in Japan’s possesslon. It is in the spirit of expediting the proceeding of the committee meeting that we are going to present a list of vessels one after another.
2. We do not consider that the presentation of “a complete list of vessels” falling under agenda item A would expedite the proceeding of the committee meeting. We must implement without delay the previous government instructions on the subject.
3. If the Japanese side continues to argue about nature of SCAPIN, etc., documents concerned, requesting them to present their view in writing (in the form of Memorandum and so on). (이하여백)
November 3, 1958
Re: Return of Korean Art Objects
(Refer to MTB-031)
1. It is not our side but the Japanese side that must present the list of Korean art objects to be returned to our side, because they are now in Japan’s possession. It is to expedite the proceeding of the talks that we presented the list containing about 1,000 items.
2. An important thing at this stage of the talks is for us to confirm, at the earliest possible date, whether the Japanese side is really determined to return Korean art objects, We cannot but entertain doubt in this regard in view of the recent proceeding of the Committee on Other Claims (regarding art objects) and also in view of remarks made by responsible officials at the Diet or to the press.
3. As for the list of art objects which are mutually satisfactory, joint investigation can be made by the working party consisting of representatives of both sides, only if the Japanese side agrees to return them, and only if both sides agree on general principles on a way of returning them. (이하여백)
November 3, 1958
Re: Other Claims (the remaining problems)
1. In parallel with our talks with Japan on the problem of return of Korean art objects, we are ready to commence talks on the remaining and major problems at the Sub-Committee on Other Claims. Please propose to the Japanese side that this talks (the remaining problems) be commenced on and from Monday, November 17, 1958.
2. In discussing this subject, our side was to be represented by Mr. CHANG Kyung Keun. But the Delegation is re-instructed to let Mr. LEE Ho represent our side instead of Mr. Chang.
3. As for our position to be taken on this subject, the Delegation will be instructed later. (이하여백)
November 4, 1958
To: Sis Excellency the President
FROM: Foreign Minister
SUBJECT: Additional Appointment of Mr. KIM Jae Won as a member of the Delegation to the 4th Korea-Japan Conference
At the present Korea-Japan Conference, the Sub-Committee on Other Claims of the Committee on Korean Claims is now discussing on the problem of Korean art objects to be returned to Korea. At this Sub-Committee, Mr. WHANG Soo Yung who is from the Ministry of Education has been working hard since April, this year. But at this stage of negotiation when detailed evaluation of lists of art objects on debate are made and such evaluation covers a wide range of objects, it is highly necessary for our Government to reinforce our expert team in this field.
Under these circumstances, it is recommended for Your Excellency’s approval that Mr. KIM Jae Won, Chief of the National Museum, be additionally appointed to join the Delegation in the capacity of adviser on Korean art objects.
Most respectfully,
의정 제 4,099호
단기 4291년 11월 4일
제 4차 한일회담 수석대표 임병직 대사 귀하
(사본: 유태하 공사 귀하)
건명: 제 4차 한일회담 진행에 관한 건.
머리의 건에 관하여 지금의 귀하의 보고를 검토한 후 앞으로의 회담 진행에 관하여 별첨과 같이 지시하오니 그 시행에 있어서 만전을 기하시기 바라나이다.
별첨: 1. Legal Status of Korean Residents in Japan
2. Return of Korean Vessels
3. Return of Korean Art Objects
4. Other Claims (the remaining problems)
(이 공문의 매수는 전부 6매임)

본 사이트 자료 중 잘못된 정보를 발견하였거나 사용 중 불편한 사항이 있을 경우 알려주세요. 처리 현황은 오류게시판에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 전화번호, 이메일 등 개인정보는 삭제하오니 유념하시기 바랍니다.

제4차 한일회담 진행에 관한 건 자료번호 : kj.d_0005_0090_0190