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  • 날짜
    1959년 10월 30일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
On December 31, ▣▣ MIRE 1957 the Governments of the Republic of Korea and Japan signed agreements on the mutual re-lease and repartriation of detainees held in both countries, and the resumption of the Fourth Korea-Japan Overall Talks. It was specifically agreed that the problem of Korean residents in Japan would be taken up as an agenda item at the resumed talks in accordance with the "Agreed Minutes."
The Fourth Korea-Japan Overall Talks were resumed on April 15, 1958 to deal with various outstanding issues,including the question of the Korean resident in Japan, which was subsequently taken up at the Committee on the Problem of Korean Residents in Japan. These talks entered into recess on December 21, 1958.
However, on Friday 13, 1959 when the talks were about to be resumed, the Japanese Government unilaterally decided, in direct violation of the Agreements of December 31,1957,to deport en masse Korean residents in Japan-allegedly so desiring-to the northern part of Korea in an attempt to get rid of as many Korean residents as possible. Despite vigorous protests of the Korean Government, the Japanese Government and the Japan Red Cross(which was estensibly to assume responsibility for this political scheme)endeavored to obtain the approval of the International Committee of the Red Cross so as to present a facade of "humanitarianism."
Now it could appearent that it was unable to obtain the approval of the International Committee of the Red Cross for the deportation scheme, the Japan Red Cross began on April 13, 1959 to conduct direct negotiationin Geneva with puppet Northern Korean "Red Cross". text of agreement was finally drafted on June 24, 1959.
This Japanese action resulted in seriously aggravating the relationship between the Republic of Korea and Japan, threrby endangering the peace of Northeast Asia. In order to avert this danger, the Korean Government proposed on July 30, 1959 the unconditional resumption of the Nourth Korea-Japan Overall Talks, which they had been unable to resume due to Japan's insistence on the deportation scheme. In making this proposal, the Korean Government was of the opinion that it could ease the tension between Korea and Japan and create a favorable atmosphere for the overall settlement of various outstanding issues between the two countries by taking up for settlement once and for all the Korean residents'issue which had directly caused that tension.
While accepting the Korean proposal for the unconditional resumption of the Korea-Japan talks, the Japanese Government and Red Cross demonstrated on the other hand their determination to go ahead with the deportation scheme by formally signing the depertation agreement with the puppet northern Korean "Red Cross"at Calcutta, India, on August 13, 1959. Meanwhile, the International Committee of the Red Cross announced on August 11 that it would lend its services to the Japan Red Cross for the implememtation of this agreement.
As a result of the Korean proposal, the Korea-Japan talks were resumed on August 12,1959. It was agreed between the delegations that the problem of Korean residents in Japan was to have priority over the other issues to be discussed. Cause-quently, the Committee on the Problem of Korean Residents held several meeting in which, however, little substantial progress could be made due to the insincere attitude of the Japanese side. The Korean Government, prompted by an earnest desire to expedite the solution of this problem, made it clear that it was prepared to receive, or even encourage, mass repartriation of Korean residents in Japan to the Republic of Korea only if the Japanese Government met two conditions (a)compensation to the Korean residents for their forced immigration and labor in the past, and (b) no limitation to their taking away their own properties when returning to the Republic of Korea.
Notwithstanding these sincere and patient efforts on the part of the Korean Government, the Japanese Government and Red Cross continued to proceed with their deportation scheme. On September 3, 1959, the Japan Red Cross released the so-called "repatriation Guide Book" with a view to implementing the deportation agreement. Dr. Marcel Juned, Vice President of the International Committee of the Red Cross, and a team of its staff arrived in Japan on August 23, 1959 to participate in the plan.
On September 21, 1959 the Japan Red Cross began to receive applications from Koreans desiring "repatriation" to the northern part of Korea at 3655 ward offices set up all over Japan. It was known that in the first five days some 180 Koreans applied for "repatriation. "However, about 20 of them subsequently withdraw their applications.
In the meantime, the Korean Communist elements in Japan, organized into so-called "General Federation of Korean Residents", demanded that the Japanese Government and Red Cross revise the so-called "Guide Book"so as to make it more acceptable and to disguise the fact that most of those who allegedly had expressed their desire to preceed to the Northern part of Korea were deluded, intimidated or bribed into doing so.
The Japan Red Cross yielded to this demand by revising two points in the contents of the "Guide Book", namely, 1) that minors under 16 years of age were not required to appear in person to register, and 2) that applicants were not required to write down their permanent domicile in the application forms.
The Communists demand further revision of such points as: ban on meeting of prospective "returness" with outsiders on route to Niigata, the embarkation port, and at the Niigata cantre, reconfirmation of :free will"at the Niigata centre, ban on the use of puppet flag,and others. By these demands and compliance therewith,the Communists and Japanese once again revealed their malicious political purposes in undertaking the deportation scheme.
All patriotic Koreans in Japan stood up resolutely against the deportation scheme. For instance, partriotic Koreans numbering 52 even risked their lives by staging a hunger strike from September 21st to 26th. However, the Japanese Government and Red Cross, contrary to their assertions for humanitarianiam, did not show even a token of concern for these strikers. Mr. Tai Ha Yiu, Korean Ambassador in Japan, seriously concerned over their feeble health, strongly persuaded them to suspend the strike, and they reluctantly agreed to a temporary suspension. Some 500 Korean detainees at the Omura camp also staged a hunger strike during September 26-27, demanding from the Japanese authorities better treatment and withdrawal of the deportation scheme. Also,some 300 Korean female detainses staged a demonatration on September 28th to oppose deportation.
The Korean Communist elements in Japan, realizing that they are unable to force the Japanese Government and Red Cross to accept all of their demands, finally resorted to violence to enforce the deportation acheme. A leader of the Association of Korean Residents in Japan was assaulted on September 24th by some forty Communists. There sre other signs of threat or use of force by the Communists.
The Korean Government is earnestly of the opinion that a settlement of the resident problem along the lines outlined above could be effected expeditiously with the positive cooperation of the United States Government, and that there will also be found a way, not so difficult as some persimiatic circles avew, of settling other outstanding issues such as the fisherion problem, Korean claims against Japan, and others. The Korean Government is also of the opinion that the Japanese Government should refrain from disposing unilaterally of the very problem which is on the agenda at the Korea-Japan overall talks while such talks are under way.
Washington, D. C.
October 30, 1959

Marcel Juned, Tai Ha Yiu
Korea, Japan, Japan, Korea, Japan, Japan, Japan, Japan, northern part of Korea, Geneva, Republic of Korea, Japan, Northeast Asia, Nourth Korea, Japan, Korea, Japan, Korea, Japan, Calcutta, India, Korea, Japan, Japan, Japan, Republic of Korea, Republic of Korea, Japan, the northern part of Korea, Japan, Japan, the Northern part of Korea, Niigata, Niigata, Niigata, Japan, Japan, the Omura camp, Japan, Japan, Korea, Japan
the Governments of the Republic of Korea and Japan, the Japanese Government, the Korean Government, the Japanese Government, Korean Government, the Korean Government, the Japanese Government, The Korean Government, the Japanese Government, the Korean Government, the Japanese Government, the Japanese Government, the Japanese Government, Japanese authorities, the Japanese Government, The Korean Government, United States Government, The Korean Government, the Japanese Government
Japan Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Japan Red Cross, puppet Northern Korean "Red Cross", Red Cross, the puppet northern Korean "Red Cross", the International Committee of the Red Cross, the Japan Red Cross, Red Cross, the Japan Red Cross, International Committee of the Red Cross, the Japan Red Cross, Red Cross, The Japan Red Cross, Red Cross
Agreed Minutes, repatriation Guide Book, Guide Book, the "Guide Book"

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판독난 자료번호 : kj.d_0005_0010_0790