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한일회담 청구권위원회 제3차 회의 요록

  • 날짜
    1952년 2월 27일
  • 문서종류
  • 형태사항
Summary Record of the Third Session of the Claims Committee
1. Date, time and place:
February 27th (Wednesday), 1952 14:15 hours-15:45 hours
At Room No. 419, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
2. Conferees:
All committee members of both Delegations were present.
3. Proceedings:
(1) The Japanese Delegation submitted the Compilation of Ordinances Concerning Closed Institutions, etc. as reference materials.
(2) The Korean Delegation submitted the “Items of the Principles of the Draft Agreement on the Disposition of Property Claims between the Republic of Korea and Japan” for referential purpose.
(3) The Japanese Delegation raised several questions about the aforementioned principles and items and the Korean Delegation gave its answers to these questions. Through these questions and answers, the following points were made clear:
a. The Korean Delegation expressed its desire to make joint investigations on the details of the said items.
b. As to para. 1 of the Korean proposal (return of cultural items), the Korean Delegation stated that they desired that the matter should be given rather political consideration as a matter which would contribute generally to the betterment of both countries’ relationship, without questioning the period and manner of transfer to Japan of the property in question. The materialization of the return would be decided case by case, for instance, if necessary, properties acquired through due legal process might be paid for. They also stated that the properties could be returned to Korea in their present condition, that the reason for the request of original map plates was to economize future expenses and efforts, besides to contribute to good relationship of both countries, and that the gold bullion requested would be used for establishing the monetary system of the Republic of Korea.
c. A competent Korean expert would be called here when further discussions on the postal accounts and related matters were to be made at this committee.
d. The Korean Delegation explained that, when the Japanese property in Korea was transferred from the U.S. Military Government to the Korean Government, its detailed inventories were not attached to the Agreement between the Republic of Korea and the United States of America, nor was the disposition of the Japanese property completed during the period of the U.S. occupation.
(4) Though it was decided that the next (fourth) session of this committee would be convened from 10:00 hours, March 1st, 1952, at the same conference room, the date was later changed to March 3rd (Monday), upon the request of the Korean Delegation.

Japan, Korea, the Republic of Korea, Korea, Republic of Korea, the United States of America
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the U.S. Military Government, the Korean Government
The Japanese Delegation, The Korean Delegation, The Japanese Delegation, the Korean Delegation, The Korean Delegation, the Korean Delegation, The Korean Delegation, the Korean Delegation
Items of the Principles of the Draft Agreement on the Disposition of Property Claims between the Republic of Korea and Japan

본 사이트 자료 중 잘못된 정보를 발견하였거나 사용 중 불편한 사항이 있을 경우 알려주세요. 처리 현황은 오류게시판에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 전화번호, 이메일 등 개인정보는 삭제하오니 유념하시기 바랍니다.

한일회담 청구권위원회 제3차 회의 요록 자료번호 : kj.d_0002_0070_0070