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미국 함대의 침략 행위 비난

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
    E. B. Drew
  • 발송일
    1871년 4월 25일(음)(高宗八年四月二十五日)
  • 출전
    『동문』 洋舶情形, pp. 2491-7 중 첨부문서
貴船來到我境稱以和好我之接應自有其禮乃反逐送勞問之官犯入關隘之地不念貴船之失禮但咎我軍之防患亦旣文字往復開釋無餘全不採聽只顧起閙和好之道果安在哉由今觀之外托友睦之辭內包詭譎之計斯可知矣及其下陸伎倆畢露焚廨燒舍刼財掠物錐刀之微無不奪取是爲竊偸奸細之行也船中帶來多有吾邦之得罪亡命叛國匪類則締聚此等以爲鄕導是爲逋盜之淵藪也終至亂發銃砲殺害軍民殘酷猖獗孰甚於是乎自稱和好而來欲望以禮相待者乃如是乎不但吾國之三尺童子皆所陲罵抑亦天下之人孰不憤惋而擯斥哉不意奉其國命結好他邦者其所施爲乃有此事貴船到處孰復肯以禮相接講信修睦乎竊爲貴船耻之爲貴船恥之爲此照會云云 四月二十五日
별지: 英譯文
Li, guardian general of Foo-Ping prefecture, make a communication.
 Politeness, of course, characterized our reception of you since your honorable ships came professing friendship and amity. But the course of friendship and amity, where shall we find in your abrupt dismissal of our officials who came with inquiries as to your suffering, on the voyage; in your wrongly entering the territory of Kuan-Hai, (locality of the action of 11th instant,) ignoring your ship’s short-coming from the right, and only blaming our soldiers for attempting to ward off calamity; in your utter unwillingness to listen, and your sole interest upon raising a disturbance, when the affairs had already been completely solved in correspondence?
 Looking at it now, one can know thus much for certain: under outward professions of friendship you cherish false and deceitful designs. To come to your landing, and thoroughly displaying your forte of committing public buildings to the flames, burning cottages, stealing property, sweeping up everything to the veriest trifle. These are the actions of thieves and spies. In your ships you have brought many of our kingdom’s outlaws, rebellious brigands who have forfeited life, to connect yourselves with and collect such a following as guides to our neighborhoods. This is to become the lair whither pirates flee.
 The upshot will be a wild and disorderly discharge of gun and cannon, the battering down of walled town and fort, the slaying and injuring army and people. Where was such unsparing and implacable savagery ever exceeded? You come with professions of friendship and amity, and wish us to treat you with politeness, and your actions, forsooth, are such as these. Not only will every urchin of our kingdom spit at the course you, but more yet in the world but will indignantly sympathize with us, and debar you from intercourse, and break off such as you already hold. I had not thought that such as these would have been the actions of one intrusted with his kingdom’s commission to bind in friendship another kingdom.
 In those sea-ports where your ships shall hereafter arrive, who will be willing again to meet you with politeness, discuss the obligations of good faith and renew friendship? I conceal the shame I feel for your honorable vessels, the shame I feel for your honorable country.
 A necessary dispatch is above communicated to the secretary of the American imperial commissioners.
Dated. TUNG-CHIH, 10th year, 4th moon, 25th day, (11th June, 1871)


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미국 함대의 침략 행위 비난 자료번호 : gk.d_0004_0640