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조선 문제 관련 공친왕(恭親王)과의 면담 결과 보고

  • 발신자
    A. Burlingame
  • 수신자
    W. H. Seward
  • 발송일
    1866년 12월 12일(음)(1866년 12월 12일)
  • 출전
    FRUS, 1867, part 1, China, pp. 419-25; ADPP, Vol. 9, pp. 29-30.
Peking, December 12, 1866
Sir :
 I have the honor to inform you that, on the 20th of November last, I had an interview with Prince Kung, at the Tsung li Yamen, of more than ordinary interest.
 After the usual formalities and felicitations, the Prince dismissed, with the exception of his official suite, his attendants, and proceeded in a disturbed manner to speak of this relations with foreigners. He said they were excellent with all but the French, but that with these, in spite of all he could do, they were not such as he desired. The causes of irritation were their claims on account of their missionaries, and the nature of a correspondence touching affairs in Corea ; that the missionaries, not content to spread their faith, to which there was no objection, were political agents, and undertook to absolve their Chinese converts from obligations to their own government, and that they were supported in their pretensions by their diplomatic representatives at Peking ; that when he sought, on behalf of a kindred and once tributary people, (the Coreans), to secure, in the interests of peace, an investigation into facts, before proceeding to extremities, he had been charged with complicity with them, and his own people menaced with attack.
 I replied, as I had often done before, that I could not interfere between them and others, more than to proffer my good offices when they might serve to restore friendly relations. I urged the Prince strongly to instruct his officials in the provinces to treat the missionaries with the utmost kindness, so as to avoid all occasion for armed intervention. I said to him that my colleague, M. Berthemy, the French minister, now absent on leave, had said to Sir Frederick Bruce and myself that he did not, nor did his Emperor, sustain any such pretensions as those mentioned by the Prince on the part of the missionaries ; that he had informed them that he, and the officials under him, alone represented the political and diplomatic power of France in China, and that I thought, with patience and caution, an amicable solution of their difficulties might be reached.
 With regard to Corea I said that, if the Prince had done no more than to proffer his friendly offices, I did not see that he had done more than his duty ; and that, if such action called forth menaces, he could rest strong in the consciousness of good intentions, and submit, with confidence, the correspondence to the impartial judgment of the civilized world.
 That very evening the despatch marked A, covering a long correspondence with M. de Bellonet, French charge d’affaires, was sent to each one of the foreign legations, and I submit it (with the subsequent despatches marked B) without one word of comment.
I have the honor to be, Sir, your obedient servant,
Secretary of State, Washington, D. C.
별지: Enclosure A-Translation
관련문서 조불(朝佛) 문제의 국제 공론화 시도 【英譯文(美國)】
별지: Enclosures in Prince Kung’s despatch
별지: No. 1
M. de Bellonet to Prince Kung
관련문서 조선에 대한 청조의 종주권 부정, 조선 국왕 폐위 및 조선 침공 선언 【英譯文】
별지: No. 2
Reply of Prince Kung to M. de Bellonet
July 16, 1866
관련문서 프랑스 함대의 조선 원정 계획 통보에 대한 회신
별지: No. 3
M. de Bellonet to Prince Kung
관련문서 한강 봉쇄 통보 【英譯文】
별지: Enclosure translated from Chinese
Rose, rear-admiral and commander-in-chief of the French naval forces in the Chinese and Japanese seas, herewith issues a notification to all concerned :
 Whereas the King of Corea, in a spirit of of (Sic) inhuman barbarity, having seized and killed several French bishops and missionaries, together with many native Christians, male and female, old and young, I think that his numerous crimes cannot be suffered to pass with impunity. I have determined to proceed against him for his notorious crime, and shall take the forces under my command to attack and subdue his country. All ports and embouchures on the western shores of Corea, leading to the capital, are immediately to be blockaded by the ships under my command, and the vessels of all other nations are for the present forbidden to resort there. If any of them attempt to violate this order and break the blockade, they will be dealt with according to the laws acknowledged among nations in such cases. A special notice.
 OCTOBER 5, 1866 ; (or, Tumgchi, 5th year, 8th moon, 27th day.)
별지: No. 4
Prince Kung to M. de Bellonet
관련문서 무력 행위 자제 및 사전 진상 조사 제안 【英譯文】
별지: No. 5
M. de Bellonet to Prince Kung
관련문서 총서(總署)의 사전 조사 제안의 거절 사유 및 조선 침공의 정당성 주장 【英譯文】
별지: No. 6
Prince Kung to M. de Bellonet
관련문서 조불(朝佛) 중재 시도에 대한 해명 【英譯文】
별지: No. 7
M. de Bellonet to the Foreign Office
관련문서 공문을 왜곡하여 각국 대신에게 조회문을 발송한 것에 대한 항의 【英譯文】
별지: No. 8
From Foreign Office to M. de Bellonet
[No date]
관련문서 조불(朝佛) 문제 조회문을 각국 공사관에 발송한 것에 대한 해명 【英譯文】

Prince Kung, Berthemy, Frederick Bruce, M. de Bellonet, M. de Bellonet, Prince Kung, Prince Kung, M. de Bellonet, Rose, Prince Kung, M. de Bellonet, M. de Bellonet, Prince Kung, Prince Kung, M. de Bellonet, M. de Bellonet, M. de Bellonet
Corea, Peking, China, Corea
the Tsung li Yamen, the Foreign Office, Foreign Office
the King of Corea

본 사이트 자료 중 잘못된 정보를 발견하였거나 사용 중 불편한 사항이 있을 경우 알려주세요. 처리 현황은 오류게시판에서 확인하실 수 있습니다. 전화번호, 이메일 등 개인정보는 삭제하오니 유념하시기 바랍니다.

조선 문제 관련 공친왕(恭親王)과의 면담 결과 보고 자료번호 : gk.d_0002_0930