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프랑스 함대의 조선 원정 계획 통보에 대한 회신

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
    C. H. M. Bellonet
  • 발송일
    1866년 6월 5일(음)(同治五年六月五日)
  • 출전
    『夷務始末』 6, 권 42. pp. 1012-3; 『中日韓』 권 2. p. 28. 문서번호 19.
爲照覆事 昨准貴大臣照會 內稱朝鮮國突將法國主敎及傳敎士竝本地傳敎習敎多人 盡行殺害 本國命將興師 因其係屬中國納貢之邦 理合知會等因前來 本爵査朝鮮國僻處海隅 素知謹守 現在未知何故 有殺害敎民之事 今貴大臣以貴國興師緣由 知照本爵 足徵貴大臣敦睦之誼 惟兩國交兵 均關民命 本爵旣知此事 自不能不從中排解 該國果有殺害敎衆等事 似可先行據理査詢 究因何故 不必遽啓兵端 爲此照覆貴大臣酌奪可也
별지: 佛譯文
Pékin, le 16 Juillet 1866
 J’ai reçu la dépêche que le Noble Chargé d’affaires de France m’a fait l’honneur de m’adresser pour m’apprendre le meurtre des Evêques des missionnaires ainsi que des chrétiens qui vient d’avoir lieu en Corée ce qui a motivé de la part de la France l’envoi de troupes, faits qu’il a cru devoir porter à ma connaissance, la Corée étant considérée comme un des pays tributaires de la Chine, etc. etc.
 Moi, prince, j’ai remarqué que le petit pays de Corée, relégué sur le bord de la mer, a de tout temps rempli fidèlement tous les devoirs qui lui incombaient Qu’elles (Sic) peuvent être aujourd’hui les raisons qui l’ont porté à massacrer des chrétiens. (c’est ce que j’ignore).
 Mais en me notifiant les motifs pour lesquels la France y envoie des troupes, le Noble Chargé d’Affaires m’a donné une preuve évidente du cas qu’il fait des bons rapports existant entre nos deux pays.
 Toutes les fois que deux Etats en appellent à la force ils mettent par cela même l’existence du peuple en danger. C’est pour cela que bien que prévenu je ne puis m’empêcher dans cette circonstance de venir m’interposer pour séparer les deux partis.
 Bien qu’il soit avéré que la Corée a mis à mort des individus appartenant à la religion catholique on peut néanmoins légalement faire une enquête préalable sur les véritables motifs qui ont pu amener ce massacre sans pour cela débuter par des hostilités et c’est ce qui me fait en référer à V. E. pour qu’après mûre réflexion Elle (Sic) prenne une décision à cet égard.
 Tel est le but de la présente.
 Veuillez agréer etc. etc.
 Pour troduction conforme
 Signé : [____] Fontanier.
별지: 英譯文(美國)
July 16, 1866
Sir :
 I had the honor, yesterday, to receive your excellency’s dispatch, in which you inform me that the authorities of the kingdom of Corea had suddenly killed several French bishops and priests, together with a great number of native teachers and Christians, in consequence of which the French government had ordered the commander-in-chief to move his forces ; and that seeing that Corea is a dependency of China, and sends tribute, it was proper that I should be informed of these things.
 I may here observe, that as Corea is an out-of-the-way country, lying in a secluded corner, and as is well known, has always strictly maintained its own regulations, I am quite unaware what has led them to put these missionaries and Christians to death. Still, I am sensible of the friendly feelings which have led your excellency thus to communicate to me the reasons for the French government in moving its forces [against that country].
 Seeing, however, that when two countries come to war it involves the lives of their people, as it well in this case and, therefore, I cannot but endeavor to bring about a solution, of the difficulty between them — as the Coreans have killed a number of the missionaries, it seems to me that it would be best to inquire beforehand this step, so that, if possible, a resort to arms may be avoided. I make this reply for the purpose of suggesting such a course to your excellency’s consideration.
 I have. &c.,
별지: 英譯文(英國)
 THE Prince had the honour to receive yester the Chargé d’Affaires’ despatch, information him of the sudden murder by Corea of some French bishops and priests and a large number of native teachers and convers ; that France (or the French Government) had ordered the Commander-in-chief to move up forces (to Corea) ; and that, as Corea was a tributary State to China, he had considered it his duty to inform the Prince of the matter.
 The Prince does not understand what cause can have led to this Christian massacre by (a country like) Corea, which is an out-of-the-way, unimportant place, at the corner (or edge) of the ocean, and which has hitherto evinced a sense of prudence and a due regard to what is right.
 The Prince fully recognizes the friendly desire to maintain peaceful relations shown by M. de Bellonnet in his informing his Highness of the reasons which have induced France to take military action. But as a hostile collision between the two countries will affect the lives of the people, the Prince, having been informed of the affair, cannot but (offer) as an intermediary to arrange the difficulty.
 If, as it appears, Corea has put Christians to death, his Highness would propose that the affair might first be inquired into peacefully, and that arms should not be rashly had recourse to.
 The Prince offers this suggestion, in reply to the French Chargé d’Affaires, for his consideration.
A necessary communication, &c.
6th moon, 5th day (July 1866)

法國, 朝鮮國, 法國, 中國, 朝鮮國, Corea, Corea, China, Corea, Corea, France, Corea, Corea, China, Corea, France, Corea

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프랑스 함대의 조선 원정 계획 통보에 대한 회신 자료번호 : gk.d_0002_0070