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Jenkins로부터 입수한 정보 보고 및 조선과의 교섭 전권 부여 요청

  • 발신자
    G. F. Seward
  • 수신자
    W. H. Seward
  • 발송일
    1868년 4월 24일(음)(1868년 4월 24일)
  • 수신일
    1868년 6월 24일(음)(1868년 6월 24일)
  • 출전
    FRUS, 1870, China, pp. 336-7; ADPP, Vol. 9, p. 74; AADM, pp. 817-8.
United States Consulate General,
Shanghai, April 24, 1868
 Mr. Frederick Jenkins, a citizen of the United States, formerly interpreter to this office, gives me the following information:
 There are now in Shanghai four Coreans and a bishop for Corea, of the Romish Church. These persons have been sent here by the Corean government. The purpose is to make inquiries concerning the state of feeling existing toward Corea in regard to the alleged murder of French priests and of the crew of the American schooner General Sherman, with a view to determine whether it will be wise for the Corean government to send an embassy to America and Europe to explain those occurrences, and to make desired treaties of amity and commerce. Mr. Jenkins expects to sail with these persons for the Corea in a few days, and believes that the result of the report of the commissioners and of his visit will be the sending of an embassy, as proposed. He expects to return to Shanghai in about a month, and that ambassadors, as indicated, will come with him.
 Mr. Jenkins further informs me he is told the priests were executed in punishment for schemes of theirs at the court.
 The General Sherman trouble is explained as follows: That vessel had reached a point in the interior on a river, of which he does not know the name. Several of the crew went ashore and became embroiled in a row growing out of the wrongful treatment of some women, and were arrested. A force was then sent from the Sherman, which rescued the men and took them on board, together with two native officers, who, it is supposed, the master intended to hold as hostages. This excited the people, and they attacked the vessel, killing eight persons and capturing the others, who are still held.
 Mr. Jenkins says that this information is known only to the ambassadors and himself, to a Jewish merchant who has visited the Corea several times, and by whom the commissioners were brought to him, and to one other person who has necessarily been spoken to in order to arrange for the charter of a steamer to proceed to Corea. He assigns as reasons why he has been approached, the belief of the Corean government that the proposed embassy would be more favorably received in America than elsewhere, and should be sent there first; and the fact that he is familiar with the Chinese language, which is the written language of Corea. He is unable to explain how it happens that the Corean government is now employing confidentially the Romish bishop, one of a class they have so severely treated. He expects to bring back with him those of the crew of the General Sherman who are still living.
 The Shenandoah has lately sailed from Cheefoo for the Corea to make inquiry regarding the crew of the General Sherman, information having been previously received which indicated that some of the number are living.
 It is difficult to say whether anything will be accomplished by her commander. Mr. Jenkins says that the Coreans now here declare that the visit will be useless.
별지: Mr. George F. Seward to Mr. William H. Seward.
Shanghai, April 24, 1868 (Received June 24, 1868)
 My dispatch No. 281*주 001
편자주 001)
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, herewith, offers information touching the General Sherman case, which has heretofore engaged your attention. It is a subject for congratulation that it is also satisfactory, if true, that the Corean government is anxious to enter into treaties with the western powers. The empire is independent, although it sends complimentary tribute to Pekin. The population is said to be about six millions, or one-third that of Japan. The climate is mild for the latitude. The people are described as peaceful and industrious. In my opinion there is no sufficient object attainable to render it advisable to use force, or even the show of force, to procure a commercial treaty with the Coreans. It may be considered, however, that the interests of our shipping require that at least a treaty providing for the kind treatment of ship-wrecked people should be entered into. But if the Coreans are prepared to go to the extent of opening up their country to our merchants, this opportunity is not one that should be lost.
 I respectfully propose, therefore, in case the proposed embassy be not concluded on, and it shall still seem desirable, on the receipt of your instructions, that authority be given me to request of Admiral Rowan the use of two vessels of war, (one like the Shenandoah or Iroquois, the other smaller,) to employ one or more interpreters, and to proceed to the Corea in order to ask an official explanation of the Sherman affair, and to negotiate, if possible, a treaty of amity and of commerce similar to those now existing with China and Japan, or such other lesser treaty as may be expedient and attainable without the exercise or show of force.
 If unsuccessful, and I am inclined to believe that the exercise of a degree of discretion and patience would insure a more or less complete success-the undertaking could do us no harm.

  • 편자주 001)
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Frederick Jenkins, Jenkins, Jenkins, Jenkins
Shanghai, Shanghai, Corea, Cheefoo, Pekin, Corea, China, Japan
the Corean government, the Corean government, the Corean government, the Corean government
commercial treaty

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Jenkins로부터 입수한 정보 보고 및 조선과의 교섭 전권 부여 요청 자료번호 : gk.d_0001_0640