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제너럴 셔먼호 생존자 보호 요청에 대한 회신

  • 발신자
  • 수신자
    S. W. Williams
  • 발송일
    1868년 2월 17일(음)(同治七年二月十七日)
  • 출전
    『夷務始末』 6, 권 57, pp. 1334-5; 『中日韓』 권 2, pp. 95-6. 문서번호 80
爲照覆事 准貴大臣照會 內稱前年九月閒 有本國兩枝桅商船 在高麗閣淺等因 同日又准英國阿大臣照稱 去年大法國兵船前往高麗交戰 嗣後大美國商船一隻 亦赴高麗有通商之意 行至北陽河高麗人將船攻打 現有帶水華人一名 告知美國煙臺領事官云 確知該船中洋人華人各二名 在高麗未死等因前來 本爵査前年九月閒 曾據貴大臣函稱 本國船隻 在高麗閣淺 被土人將船燒毁 捉去水手二十四人 儻或送至中國 請飭奉天府撫卹保護等語 卽經本衙門大臣等面告貴大臣 以如果送至該省 自必加意保護 當由本衙門行文奉省山海關監督 轉飭査辦 旋據奉省覆稱 前此曾有朝鮮送到外國遭風難民六名 由承德縣護送至營口洋行 交鼐領事收領 嗣後竝無送過外國民人等情 玆准前因 査此事先經貴國兵船前往査詢 未得底細 總因在法國朝鮮交兵之際 是以訪察爲難 現旣承貴大臣照請設法辦理 本國自當緩爲籌畫 必須於事有益 方可酌量設法 斷難遽爾轉行査問 如或急切不能得有端倪 仍望貴大臣見諒 緣朝鮮雖臣服中國 其本處一切政敎禁令 槪由該國自行專主 中國向不與聞 貴大臣諒亦鑒及於此也 除再行文奉省 轉飭地方官隨時査探 竝照覆英國阿大臣外 爲此先行照覆貴大臣査照
별지: 英譯文
MARCH 10, 1868,(Tungchi, 7th year, 2d moon, 18th day.)
 Prince Kung, chief secretary of state for foreign affairs, herewith sends a reply:
 On the 2d instant I had the honor of receiving your excellency's dispatch, in which you inform me of the report that two foreigners and two Chinese are now kept in durance by the Coreans, and request that the Chinese government should demand of the Corean government to hand them all over to the Chinese officers, &c.
 On the same day that I received this communication the British minister, Sir Rutherford Alcock, also sent a dispatch to the following effect:
 “Last year the French admiral took his squadron to Corea, where a collision took place with the authorities; and it was after that occurrence that an American vessel went to Corea with the intention of trading, and was attacked in the Piyang river, which she had entered, by the people. The report that came to me at the time was, that her crew had been entirely cut off; but afterwards many persons reported that some of them were yet alive, and detained in confinement by the Coreans. Recently a Chinese pilot has informed the United States consul at Chifu that he knows that two foreigners and two Chinese belonging to this vessel are still alive in Corea.”
 On receiving these dispatches I have recurred to the not written by your excellency on the 28th of October, 1866, in which you stated that an American schonner had been wrecked in Corea, that the vessel had been burned, and 24 of her crew carried off, concluding with the request that directions might be sent to the authorities in Mukten that if any of these men were handed over they might be carefully cared for by those officials. The members of the Foreign Office personally assured you at the time that if any persons were thus delivered by the Coreans, those authorities should be directed to do everything necessary for their comfort; and corresponding instruction were immediately forwarded to the general in command at Mukten, and to the collector at Ninchwang. In due course a reply was received from the former officer, in which he stated that the Corean authorities had previously given over to the district magistrate of Ching-tech six distressed foreigners, saved from the wreck of the Surprise, a vessel which had been driven ashore in their country; that they had been already sent on to Yingtsz and handed over to Mr. Knight, the United States consul at that port, since which time no foreigners had been delivered to them.
 Taking all these considerations together, and reflecting that an American ship of war has already visited Corea, but was unable to ascertain all the real facts about the matter, and that moreover the French and Coreans seem likely to engage in hostilities, it must be acknowledged that it will be rather difficult to learn the truth of the case. In the dispatch under reply you propose that measures be taken by this government to bring about the release of these men; and if I delay a little, to consult as to the best mode of procedure, it is that the affair may get the benefit of the vest deliberations we can give it. It really will not be best to presently send off a mission to Corea asking about the surrender of these prisoners, for it will probably be evasively excused, and the probable success of the effort imperiled; or else, in our hurry, we shall not het at the real and right beginning of the matter; (referring probably to the misconception the Coreans would get of the object of the demand thus suddenly made on them.)
 I would further wish your excellency to reflect that, although Corea is in one sense a dependency of China, her authorities are now engaged in eradicating the religion and forbidding its exercise; and their proceedings in this matter are carried on by themselves just as they please, but in what manner his Majesty’s officials have not heard. A moment’s reflection will no doubt enable you to see the whole bearing of this suggestion.
 I have, however, already sent orders to Mukten to require the authorities in Manchuria to learn all they conveniently can upon this matter, and meanwhile send a reply to the British minister and to yourself in regard to it.
His Excellency S. WELLS WILLIAMS,
U. S. Charge d’affaires ad interim.

Prince Kung, Sir Rutherford Alcock, S. WELLS WILLIAMS
美國, 高麗, 英國, 法國, 高麗, 美國, 高麗, 北陽河, 高麗, 高麗, 高麗, 中國, 奉天府, 奉省, 山海關, 奉省, 朝鮮, 承德縣, 營口, 法國, 朝鮮, 朝鮮, 中國, 中國, 奉省, 英國, Corea, Corea, Piyang river, Corea, Corea, Mukten, Mukten, Ninchwang, Yingtsz, the United States, Corea, Corea, Corea, China, Manchuria
美國煙臺領事官, state for foreign affairs, United States consul at Chifu, the Foreign Office

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제너럴 셔먼호 생존자 보호 요청에 대한 회신 자료번호 : gk.d_0001_0520