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조선 조정의 국서 접수 거부 비난

  • 발신자
    E. B. Drew
  • 수신자
  • 발송일
    1871년 4월 18일(음)(高宗八年四月十八日)
  • 출전
    FRUS, 1871. p. 131.
A reply from Edward B. Drew, acting secretary of legation of the United States.
 A communication was found on shore two days since, purporting to come from the guardian general of Foo-Ping prefecture, which has been read, and the contents thereof made known to the minister and admiral.
 They have instructed me to make reply, that our intentions in coming to your country were peaceful, as was announced to your sovereign by letter from Peking in advance. He was told that the minister had important business with the government, and hoped that a person of high rank would be sent to meet him when the vessels reached the coast of your country, to whom the full particulars could be made known, and with whom all matters could be arranged and settled. This course is still open if the King chooses to avail himself of it.
 We do not want your land or men, nor anything that will affect your ceremonies, music, or literature.
 Your people have met our peaceful overtures by an unprovoked and wanton attack. The admiral hopes that it will prove that all this was done by the common people, without the sanction of the government; and has concluded to allow sufficient time to pass to enable the King to learn of it, and send an apology for this outrage if it was unauthorized, before taking any further steps. It now lies with your government to say whether it will disavow this outrage, and send a high officer to meet and consult with the minister, and endeavor to settle the business in an amicable manner, or whether, by failing to do so, leave the minister and admiral to pursue such a course as they may deem proper to obtain redress for the wrongs done to us. It is a question which his Majesty should seriously consider before taking up a warlike attitude. Five or six days longer will be allowed the government to consult and determine what it will do.
 When Captain Febiger was here, he was told that the King could not treat with him because he did not come by order of the President. Now the high minister of the United States to China is sent by special orders of his sovereign, with the most peaceful intentions and friendly assurances, and without warning you fire upon the vessels and try to destroy them. How is this! The vessels now here are part of a large fleet that is constantly kept by the Government on the coasts of China and Japan. When they need repairs, others are sent to take their places. They are constantly within two or three days’ sail of your country, and if they choose, can destroy your towns and annoy your districts and departments for an unlimited number of years. But this is not our wish. We desire peace and friendly feelings to exist between our country and all others. China and the United States are friends, and the high ministers of each country are received in the other and treated with respect. If anything occurs which may lead to trouble, it is discussed and settled in a friendly manner, without resorting to hostilities.
 If the government sends any notifications of its intentions, the communication should be sent to the ship. No boats or messengers will be molested that bring letters or persons who desire to discuss matters with us.
 A necessary communication.
JUNE 5, 1871
별지: 漢譯文
大亞美理駕合衆國贊理欽差英漢文案總辦杜爲照覆事昨於島間取得縣書俄由富平主使移送前來俻并一切當即上達敝國欽提憲兹奉飭照覆凖此我逺䓁來入抵貴境本係和睦之意先期已有國書自北京轉達貴君王矣內言明敝國欽憲與貴國因有要事務期貴朝廷特泒大員俟敝舟抵境時接見細述情形以便商辦䒭語現今貴朝廷若肯照辦此逕猶通不取貴國土地人民無關貴國之禮樂文物我䓁中懷和睦而來不料貴國無端竟以攻撃爲接待我提憲備擬将來顯露禦敵之舉委係軍民無知妄作未甞奉令之行以故我提憲暫緩施爲以俟貴朝廷核明任咎之信倘貴朝欲卸其肩廷並泒大員前來仍議和睦或不如此専能我欽提憲任使伸理均在貴國酌奪刻下再緩數日以待裁决曩者敝國水師副将費米日曾入貴境彼時貴君國王不能與之辦事者以其非我國特泒之員也兹我國駐箚中華之大臣特奉勑㫖懐存太平之意仰達布誼之言前來之貴國并無一言告誡逕施槍砲撃毁船隻是何意見有何理說此處泊之船係於大幫中分出數隻此幫船中如有應修整者必泒他前來穪其額數一向徃來於中國東洋一帶其船行至貴境不過二三日之程倘欲犯城郭據州郡年來可以頻至此非我等之願也敝國之所願直欲與天下萬國和好平安 大清國與敝國〇爲友邦両國大臣彼此㳟禮相待設有時两國有人滋生事端頗礙友誼仍由两國欽泒大員和衷商辦以息兵端此上各情貴朝廷深長思之勿暴其氣專恃兵力爲也嗣後貴國或遣送文伴或俻述語言均可泒役投遞獘舟决不要待湏至照覆者

Edward B. Drew, Febiger
China, Japan, China, the United States, 大亞美理駕合衆國, 平安, 大清國

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