• Dokdo in the East Sea
  • Educational material
  • Junior High School Version

Discovery Learning 3

Dokdo in Old Western Maps[Teacher Notes]

Carte des Trois Royaumes“Carte des Trois Royaumes” (Map of the Three Kingdoms) was composed by the German scholar Julius Klaproth in 1832.
Discovery Learning 3
1. Study the map above and fill in the blanks.[Answer]
Ulleungdo and Dokdo are ( ) in color, which indicates that they were Korean territory.

Teacher Notes
Several maps from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries have Dokdo marked as Korean territory. A map compiled by Julius Klaproth (1783-1835) in 1832 and called “Carte des Trois Royaumes” includes both Ulleungdo and Dokdo.
Ulleungdo and Dokdo are both yellow, just like the mainland Korea.
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