• Dokdo in the East Sea
  • Educational material
  • Junior High School Version

Discovery Learning 3[Teacher Notes]

Connect the maps with their matching locations.[Answer]
(1) “Map of Joseon and the Coast of the East Sea”
(2) “Map of the Three Countries”
(3) “Complete Map of Korea” from True History of the Russo-Japanese War
(A) Ulleungdo, Dokdo, and Joseon are all in the same color, and the French-language version of this map was used as evidence during the French-American territorial disputes.
(B) Based on a Russian map, this map was compiled by the Japanese Department of the Navy for military use.
(C) This map from 1905 labeled Dokdo as Korean territory despite the fact that it was published after the announcement of the Shimane Prefecture Notice.

Teacher Notes
Review the information contained in this chapter by connecting the maps to the corresponding descriptions. Allow students to discuss parts of the chapter that are not presented in the questions.
1-Ⓑ , 2-Ⓐ , 3-Ⓒ
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